Mini html parser for webworkers / node. Parses and builds a simplified DOM tree in one go. Intended for well-formed HTML.
With node.js:
npm install mini-html-parser
In the browser (with component):
$ component install matthewmueller/mini-html-parser
- Development:
- Minified + gzipped:
var html = '<h1>some title</h1><p>this is a <em>post</em> from <a href=""></a>.</p>';
var parser = parser(html);
var dom = parser.parse();
Create a parser with the following html
Parse the html string returning a simplified DOM object. The DOM object contains the following DOM nodes below. If the parser fails to parse the HTML string, parse will return an Error
nodeName: 'A',
nodeType: 1,
childNodes: [...],
previousSibling: ...,
nextSibling: ...,
parentNode: ...
nodeName: '#text',
nodeType: 3,
nodeValue: '...',
previousSibling: ...,
nextSibling: ...,
parentNode: ...
nodeName: '#comment',
nodeType: 8,
nodeValue: '...',
previousSibling: ...,
nextSibling: ...,
parentNode: ...
nodeName: '#fragment',
nodeType: 11,
nodeValue: null,
childNodes: [...],
previousSibling: null,
nextSibling: null,
parentNode: null
- handle other node types (doctype, etc.)
- benchmark
This is not a full-blown XML parser. It's error handling is minimal and is best suited for well-formed HTML. It uses regex for it's matching, which can lead to errors. For more information on this topic read this:
A lot of the regular expressions and inspiration came from John Resig's Pure Javascript HTML Parser.