Sikulio provides a Page Object style framework on top of Sikuli.
Still very much a work in progress.
- [JRuby] (
- [Sikuli Ruby] (
See the [Sikuli Ruby README] ( for details on installing and configuring Sikuli.
gem install sikulio --pre
When you define a subclass of Sikulio::Component, Sikulio will look for the relevant folder under the configured image root and scan if for png files. A Sikulio element method will be defined for each image file that was found.
In addition, you can manually define certain types of elements.
require 'sikulio'
Sikulio::Config.image_root = 'images'
class MyComponent < Sikulio::Component
init_image_elements -- Adds a Sikulio element for each .png files found in images/my_component
default_x_offset 40
-- Create an element based on OCR scan for text 'Cancel'
text_element :cancel_button, 'Cancel'
-- Create an element relative to the first_name_field element.
-- Sikulio will define that element as 40 pixels to the
-- right (based on default x offset defined above) and
-- 0 pixels down (as the global default for y offset is 0
-- from the center of the first_name_field element
relative_element :first_name_field,
:relative_to => :first_name_label,
comp =
comp.first_name_field.type 'Joe'
jruby -S bundle exec rspec spec
Take some chill time while the tests are running - the integration tests will launch a Java Swing application and will fail if you take focus away.