Docker Image for Working with AVR Toolchain
Put this together primarily for compiling Malenki-Nano firmware in a predictable environment.
Utilizes for the actual toolchain build.
Docker must be intalled on your system!
- Copy compose docker-compose.yml.template from this repo into the root of the repo that you wish to utilize this image in.
- Make any adjustments docker-compose.yml needed to run your project
To start the container on Windows:
Alternatively (any OS):
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose exec -it avrdocker /bin/bash
or if that doesn't work
docker exec -it avrdocker /bin/bash
To stop the container on Windows:
Alternatively (any OS):
docker-compose down
The provided docker-compose.yml uses mattinglot/avrdocker:latest from Dockerhub.
To build your own:
From the console, build the image with the appropriate name and tag. For example:
docker build -t {dockerhub_account}/avrdocker:latest .
Push the image:
docker push {dockerhub_account}/avrdocker:latest
If you receive an error you may need to first login by running:
docker login
Make sure to update docker-compose to use your image rather than mattinglot/avrdocker