Releases: mattmaynes2/aria
Aria - Pre-Release 6 - Update 1
This release expands upon the machine learning component of the system. It introduces new strategies for learning user behaviours. New user interface elements have been added for viewing and controlling sessions.
Change Log
- Completed first draft of final report
- Added version 2 and 3 of machine learning algorithms (see report for details)
- Completed session viewing from user interface
- Sessions can now be stopped and started from the user interface
Aria - Pre-Release 6
This release introduces the first machine learning elements to the Aria system. There are now simple automated decision capabilities in the smart system. Additionally, there are more user interface features for behaviours.
Change Log
- Added basic learning component to system for training purposes
- Added basic behaviour management to the user interface
- Generated logs from staged system to make decisions about learning
Aria - Pre-Release 5 - Update 3
This release updates the focus of the technical report and consolidates it into a more cohesive document. There was additional focus on the user interface for behaviours and sessions but it is not yet complete.
Change Log
- Final report received an updated introduction with a more clear and concise focus
- User interface work for behaviours and sessions
- Added end-to-end integration tests for behaviours and sessions in exchange server
Aria - Pre-Release 5 - Update 2
This release introduces the concept of training behaviours and sessions. Behaviours can now be added to the backend of the system and events can then be captured in sessions and associated to that behaviour. This will allow a user to train the system for specific tasks
Change Log
- Training behaviours and sessions have been added to database and gateway
- Added release build command to build
- Removed report compilation from continuous integration
Aria - Pre-Release 5 - Update 1
This release expands on the error management of the Aria system and introduces a notification history to the client. The technical documentation received a refactor; all research has been moved to the appendices.
Change Log
- Error Management
- Web client now captures errors from requests and presents them to the user
- Notification History
- Notifications that are sent to the user interface are now maintained in a history buffer
Aria - Pre-Release 5 - Oral Presentation
This release introduces a stable database system as well as a more robust user interface. The database design of the ARIA system was updated to match the specification set forward in the requirements elicitation for the system. The program interfaces that interact with the database were also updated to meet the specification.
Change Log
- Updated Database Design
- Modified database storage to match specification
- Added datatypes for device parameters and attributes
- User Interface
- Added display fields for different data types
- Added integrated control for actuators in the system
- Introduced error handling for web client when disconnected from the ARIA system
Aria - Sprint 4 - Progress Report
This release focused on the progress report of the Aria system. The progress report marks the development that has been made in the project and compares it to the original timeline.
Aria - Sprint 4
This sprint focused on developing the end-to-end functionality of the system. This included recording events in the database and retrieving them for usage from the user interface. The user interface included significant improvements with an added live-update event feed and device properties. The system now also has end-to-end push events for notify the web client of device updates.
Change Log
- End-to-end Push Events
- Gateway provides callback port for exchange data pushing
- Gateway can now communicate over websockets
- Client can receive messages using a websocket
- Exchange Database
- Added event logging and retrieval
- Stores discovered devices
- Web Client
- Dynamic event feed
- Device information
- Added device discovery
- Software Devices
- Added configurable software timer
- Added interface for adding custom devices
Aria - Sprint 3
This sprint was focused on development of the database and web interfaces.
Development of the database and web interface proceeded in parallel, using mocked events from devices to test the database, and mock responses to REST API requests to test the web interface. This lead to complete integration tests for running the systems in a test mode to observe the behaviour using these mocks.
Change Log
- Build system re-write
- Re-written in
- Added
flags to build - Added build statistics with
flag - Added
flag so build can run to completion even with errors
- Re-written in
- Added initial database to central exchange
- Added database integration tests
- Gateway improvements
- Expanded REST API in gateway
- Gateway can now be run in isolation mode with
- Added remote interface
- Skeleton of event feed
- Addition of device controls
- Added adapter for software devices
- Added software timer device
Aria - Sprint 2
The remote client has the ability to view the state of the system in textual form. It can also report on device information within the hub in textual format.
The communication exchange now has the ability to control and view state changes for a WeMo switch. Messages sent and received are now logged within the system. These messages are not yet recorded within the hub's message database.
We have an Arduino micro-controller that connects to a local area network over WiFi and can send UDP packets. The Arduino is connected to a light sensor and reports the ambient light in lux. If the Arduino receives a UDP packet it responds with a UDP packet that reports the current lux value of the sensor. An adapter has been started in the exchange to report the lux value of the sensor using the system's IPC protocol.
Change Log
- Added WeMo device communication
- Added Arduino WiFi communication
- Exchange server
- Added debugging logging
- Added pid file to daemonized processes
- Added gateway logging