Hosted here
Audio recording here
Video recording here (Princeton Laptop Orchestra Concert 4/20/2019) and here (Princeton Laptop Orchestra Livestream 4/20/2020)
Paper for WAC2019 here
If you're interested in performing/playing it, feel free to get in touch with me at [email protected].
I generally leave the Heroku app at the free level of server usage which doesn't always seem to perform reliably.
Since Heroku removed their free tier, my hosted version may not always be enabled.
- c (during setup) : Change color
- [ and ] (during setup) : Change player position
- b (during setup) : Start the game!
- space (during build phase with a ball in your space) : Place a note at the ball position
- 1 (with a broken ball in your space) : Start another build phase
- 2 (with a broken ball in your space) : Start a fight phase
- w/a/s/d (during fight phase) : Move
- r/b (during outro) : Remove a random note from the game space
- p (at any time after setup) : After several presses, progress the harmony, and at the end of a fight phase (locked movement and inverted colors), progress to the next build phase
- f : Toggle fullscreen
- h : Toggle cursor
- v : Toggle zoom
- m : Mute/unmute sound
- x followed shortly by o : Force the game to end - all players are converted to the most prevalent color (for the purpose of controlling the length of performances)
- Download or clone this repo
- Navigate to the project folder in terminal
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Build:
npm run build
- Run on localhost:8080:
npm start
- Go to http://localhost:8080/ in your browser
Note: Might not work in browsers other than Chrome
Game and networking powered by Lance
Sound powered by Tone.js
Timing synchronization with sync