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Full featured commandline RPN calculator with macros, unit conversions, and much more.

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rpncalc Overview

Why another calculator app? That is an excellent question. Knowing that your time is valuable, this short block of text will give you the "short sell" for rpncalc.

First, what is an RPN calculator? It's a calculator that uses a stack. Once learned, it allows many people to enter expressions more quickly and with fewer mistakes. Check out more here

rpncalc takes your basic RPN calculator design and adds many user convenience tools. These include the following:

Basic Examples

5 + 5

|> 5 5 +
y = 10.0  

sqrt(3 * 3 + 4 * 4). A few different ways.

|> 3 3 * 4 4 * + sqrt
y = 5.0            

|> 3 2 ** 4 2 ** + sqrt
y = 5.0            

|> 3 d * 4 d * + sqrt
y = 5.0            

Area of a circle of radius 5

|> 5 2 ** $pi *
y = 78.5398163397

Complex Numbers

|> 5+i
y = 5.0+1.0i       

|> 4-2j +
y = 9.0-1.0j       

|> i + 
y = 9.0            

|> deg

|deg|> 2<90 *
y = 1.10218211923e-15+18.0i | 18.0<90.0

|polar|deg|> 0.5<90 *
y = -9.0+1.10218211923e-15i | 9.0<180.0

Robust Conversion Support

Q: How many acres in a square mile?
A: 1 mi*mi>acres
y = 640.00000038    | 640.000

Q: How many teaspoons in a pint?
A: 1 pint>tsp
y = 96.000000073    | 96.000

Q: How many inch-pounds is 10 newton-meters
A: 10 n*m>in*lbs
y = 88.5043147656   | 88.504

Q: How many gallons does a 25x25 yd pool that is 4 feet deep hold?
A: 4 ft>yards 25 25 * * yard*yard*yard>gallon
y = 168311.688488   | 168311.688

Time and Duration Support

Q: How many days until Christmas?
A: 12/25 today -
   y = 11404800.0      |    132d

Q: How fast do I need to run to finish a 5k in < 20 minutes?
A: 20:00 5000 meters>miles /
   y = 386.24256       |       06:26

Q: What time will it be 92 hours from now?
A: now 92:00:00 +
   y = 1313783186.93   | 08/19/2011+12:46:26 (Fri)

Money Support

Q: Calculate my bill with 9% tax
A: $ 1.24 5.34 6.78 sum 1.09 *
   y = 14.5624         |  $14.56

Q: Help me balance my checkbook (cent entry mode)
A: cent -4234 -1215 -500 -2738 50000 

Hex and Binary Support

Support for hexidecimal data entry and views along with standard operators

0x80 - Enter a hex number
0b1000 - Enter a binary number

Multiple Undo & Redo

Have a typo that blitzed your stack? Walk backward and forward through stack states.

Readline Support

All the readline goodness, such as persistent history and robust key editing support

Variables and Macros

Automate and simplify complex and repetitive tasks

Sketch, Batch and Interactive modes.

rpncalc has three interface modes: sketch, interactive, and batch. You can switch between them by typing the associated commands.

That said, it's usually not necessary to issue these commands as interactive is the default mode when running from a tty and sketch is th default mode when piping in a file.

sketch mode carefully formats the output so that it can be fed back into itself. For example:

cat sketch_input_example.txt | ./rpn > sketch_output_example.txt
cat skecth_output_example.txt | ./rpn

The above may not seem useful as-is, but there is potential to make it useful. One example that's quite useful is using vim with rpncalc sketch mode. The basic recipe is.

Open vim


Enter some commands in the editor, using # for comments

2 fixed # 2 digits fixed mode.

# set the radius
5 r=

# circle area
$pi $r $r * *

# circle diameter
D $r 2 *

# circle circumference
2 $pi $r * *

In vim, make sure rpn is in your $PATH and enter :%!rpn. The text above will be replaced with

2 fixed # 2 digits fixed mode.

# set the radius
5 r=
#>  r = 5.0             | 5.00

# circle area
$pi $r $r * *
#>  y = 78.5398163397   | 78.54

# circle diameter
D $r 2 *
#>  y = 10.0            | 10.00

# circle circumference
2 $pi $r * *
#>  x = 10.0            | 10.00
#>  y = 31.4159265359   | 31.42

Now you can change the file as you like, for example, changing the radius value, and enter :%!rpn again to recalculate all the fields that start with #>.

What about batch mode? That mode only prints the bottom of the stack, no inputs. It's mainly intended to make rpncalc easier to use in bash pipelines.

Detailed Documentation

Stack Management

This section lists basic stack management functions. Note that the "Clipboard" operations (especially pc, px, and pv) are intended to augment the ones listed below for more advanced stack manipulations.

Supported Commands

.                     Dump Stack (short form)
..                    Dump Full Stack
d                     Duplicate y
y                     Drop y
D                     Clear Stack
R                     Reverse Stack
s                     Swap x <-> y
rd                    Roll Stack Down
ru                    Roll Stack Up


rpncalc accepts a number of different number formats. In many cases, choosing a special number format will change the display mode to support output of that format. See "Display Modes" for more information on how this works and how to change the behavior.

Note that rpncalc supports both integer and floating point operations but converts all numbers to floating point by default. Use the mix and nomix commands to change this behavior. You can use the int and float commands to convert a number to the specified type. These commands will enter mix mode automatically unless manual mode is active.

Supported Commands

1, -512               Integers
1.0, 1., .5, 1e6, 2.5e-6  Floating point numbers
0x36, -0x1234         Hexidecimal numbers
1001b, -1001b         Binary numbers
4d, 15d               Time Duration, in days
1d14:23:12            Time Duration, DdHH:MM:SS
534:12:00             Time Duration H:MM:SS
536:45                Time Duration M:SS
01/14, 2/12           Date (this year)
01/14/2010, 2/12/1990  Date
07/30/2006+16:00:00   Date
now                   Current time and date
today                 Current date
mix                   Allow integers and floats
nomix                 Convert everything to floats (Default)
int                   Convert to int
float                 Convert to float

Complex Numbers

rpncalc supports complex numbers. You can usei or j to enter them in rectangular form. Whatever format you used last will be used for display:

|> 5+4i
y = 5.0+4.0i       

|> 6-2j
  x = 5.0+4.0j       
y = 6.0-2.0j  

All of the following ways can be used to input a complex number in rectangular form:

|> i
y = 1.0i           

|> D -i
y = -1.0i          

|> D 1+i
y = 1.0+1.0i       

|> D 5-4i
y = 5.0-4.0i       

|> D 6 i 7 * -
y = 6.0-7.0i       

|> D -1 sqrt
y = 1.0i       

If the imaginary part of a number happens to become zero, the i is dropped from the number:

|> 5+5i
y = 5.0+5.0i       

|> 4-5i +
y = 9.0 

You can also enter complex number in polar form by using <. By default, the angle is interpreted as radians, but putting the calculator in degree mode changes this interetation. Entering a complex number in polar form automatically enters polar display mode (unless manual mode was set to supress this):

|> 5<3.14
y = -4.99999365864+0.00796326458243i | 5.0<3.14

|polar|> deg
y = -4.99999365864+0.00796326458243i | 5.0<179.908747671

|polar|deg|> D -6<90
y = -3.67394039744e-16-6.0i | 6.0<-90.0

|polar|deg|> rad
y = -3.67394039744e-16-6.0i | 6.0<-1.57079632679

Like all display modes, polar display mode is just an "on the fly" conversion. The rectangular form is always stored on the stack, as can be seen on the left side of the | in the output.

Sometimes the desired phase or the magnitude of the polar expression is already on the stack. For phase, you can simply omit the angle from the expression and it will be pulled from the stack.

|> $pi 2 /
y = 1.57079632679  
|> 5<
y = 3.06161699787e-16+5.0i | 5.0<1.57079632679

|polar|> deg
y = 3.06161699787e-16+5.0i | 5.0<90.0

To pull the magnitude from the stack, create a polar number of magnitude 1, then multiply in the magnitude. This example pulls both numbers from the stack:

|> deg

|deg|> 5 45 1< *
y = 3.53553390593+3.53553390593i | 5.0<45.0

The polar display mode can be used to enter polar display mode at any time:

|> 1+i
y = 1.0+1.0i       

|> deg polar
y = 1.0+1.0i        | 1.41421356237<45.0

The fixed display mode supports complex numbers most other display modes ignore the imaginary part:

|> 2 fixed 12.345+34.567i
y = 12.345+34.567i  | 12.35+34.57i

|fixed2|> hex
y = 12.345+34.567i  | 0x0C

There is also a fixedpolar display mode that displays polar results with a fixed number of digits after the . and sigpolar that limits the number of significant digits.

|> 1+i deg 3 fixedpolar
y = 1.0+1.0i        | 1.414<45.000

|> 3 sigpolar
y = 1.0+1.0i        | 1.41<45

Functions are also provided to extract the real, imaginary, magnitude and angle:

|> deg polar 3+4i c
y = 3.0+4.0i        | 5.0<53.1301023542

|polar|deg|> real
y = 3.0             | 3.0

|polar|deg|> D v imag
y = 4.0             | 4.0

|polar|deg|> D v mag
y = 5.0             | 5.0

|polar|deg|> D v phase
y = 53.1301023542   | 53.1301023542

Supported Commands

i, -2j                Complex number in rectangular form
1+5i, 3-2j            Complex number in rectangular form
1<, -2.6<             Complex numbers in polar form (pull phase from stack)
1<3.14, -2.6<-45.5    Complex numbers in polar form
real                  Extract real part of a complex number
imag                  Extract imaginary part of a complex number
mag                   Extract magnitude of a complex number
phase                 Extract phase angle of a complex number


This section lists rpncalc's basic operators (+, -, etc) with syntax.

Supported Commands

*                     x * y
+                     x + y
-                     x - y
/                     x / y

Logical Operators

Logical operators are useful for programmers, especially in low-level languages such as C and assembly. Operators use the same syntax as you would see in the C language. By default, Hex mode is enabled automatically after the first hex value is pushed to the stack.


0x1234 2 >>          # Right-shift
1 5 << 0xFFFFFFFF ^  # create a bit mask for bit 5

Supported Commands

&                     x & y (Logical And)
|                     x | y (Logical Or)
^                     x ^ y (Logical XOR)
>>                    x >> y (Logical Shift Right)
<<                    x << y (Logical Shift Left)


This section lists operators that you you likely not see on a basic calculator but would see on a "scientific" one.

Supported Commands

log10                 Log (base 10)
log                   Log (base e)
sq                    Square
sqrt                  Square Root
%                     x % y (Mod)
!                     y! (Factorial)
inv                   1.0/y (inverse)
neg                   -y (negate)
abs                   abs(y) (absolute value)
**                    x ** y  (power of)


rpncalc can calculate trigonometry results in either degrees or radians. Use 'deg' and 'rad' to change the mode.

Supported Commands

sin                   Sin
cos                   Cos
tan                   Tan
asin                  Arc Sin
acos                  Arc Cos
atan                  Arc Tan
deg                   Use degrees for trig functions
rad                   Use radians for trig functions (default)


rpncalc supports 3 types of clipboards:

Standard Clipboard

You can copy between this clipboard and the stack with 'c' and 'v'. You can also 'cut' (pop) the last value on the stack to the clipboard with 'x'.


# Copy 5 to clipboard
|> 5 c
y = 5.0            

# Clear the stack
|> D

# Paste it back in
|> v
y = 5.0            

# Add one to make 6, cut the result.  Stack is empty
|> 1 + x

# Paste it back in
|> v
y = 6.0     

Stack Clipboard

You can also copy and paste the entire clipboard with the capitalized operators 'X', 'C' and 'V'. Note that 'V' completely overwrites the existing stack. The 'X' operator is also useful for cleaning up miscellaneous values from a stack after a calculation.

Supported Commands

c                     Copy y
x                     Cut (Pop) y
v                     Paste (Push) y
pc                    Copy stack[y], where x is index 0
px                    Cut stack[y], where x is index 0
pv                    Paste (insert) at stack[y], where x is index 0
x                     Cut (Pop) y
v                     Paste (Push) y
C                     Copy stack
X                     Cut stack
V                     Paste stack


You can set and retrieve the value of variables. You can also dump the current set of defined variables for reference


now start_time=   # move the current time into 'start_time'
now $start_time - # Find the delta between 'start_time' and the current
                  # time
set               # see what variables are currently defined

You can also push and pop all definitions to a dedicated stack. This is mostly useful in macro executions, but you can execute the commands manally too, as needed.


|> 5 x= set
c               =  299792458.0
e               =  2.71828182846
pi              =  3.14159265359
x               =  5.0

|> pushv

|> set
c               =  299792458.0
e               =  2.71828182846
pi              =  3.14159265359
x               =  5.0

|> 4 a= 6 x= set

a               =  4.0
c               =  299792458.0
e               =  2.71828182846
pi              =  3.14159265359
x               =  6.0

|> popv set

c               =  299792458.0
e               =  2.71828182846
pi              =  3.14159265359
x               =  5.0

Supported Commands

<varname>=            Set a variable
<varname>!=           Clear a variable
$<varname>            Get the value of a set variable
set                   Show all defined variables
pushv                 Push all variable definitions to a dedicated stack.
popv                  Pop variables previously pushed by pushv.


In interactive mode, every time you hit [Enter], rpncalc snapshots the state of your stack (if it changed) before executing any commands. You can then use 'u' and 'r' to step forward and backward though historical stack states. This can be used to correct mistakes or (slightly) abused to assist with calculations.

Supported Commands

r                     Redo last undo (only if it was last command)
u                     Undo to last [Enter] state


You can exit with 'q'. [Ctrl-D] also works.

Supported Commands

q                     Quit/Exit


Miscellaneous functions include showing help, and sourcing files that contain commands.

Supported Commands

s:<path>              Execute commands found in <path>
?                     Short Help
??                    Verbose Help
???                   Full Documentation


Statistics funtions are listed here. Statistics function treat the entire stack as a list of relevant data points. To help manage this, the "Clipboard" function 'C', 'X' and 'V' can be useful for storeing and retrieving the stack.


5 0.67 36 37 C
V mean
V median

Supported Commands

sum                   Sum All Arguments
mean                  Mean All Arguments
median                Median All Arguments

Display Modes

On startup, rpncalc will show results in either floating point or integer format, like this:

10.0  42.0
x = 1234.0         
y = 3.14159265359

There are, however, a number of optional display modes available that also show the data in a converted format. Here is the basic catalogue:

3 fixed # Fixed Mode (fixed number of digits after the .):

10.0  42.0
x = 1234.0          | 1234.000
y = 3.14159265359   | 3.142

3 sig # Significant Mode (limit significant digits):

10.0  42.0
x = 1234.0          | 1230
y = 3.14159265359   | 3.14

hex # Hexidecimal

10.0  42.0
x = 1234.0          | 0x04D2
y = 3.14159265359   | 0x03

bin # Binary

0b1000 0b1001
x = 8               | 0b1000
y = 9               | 0b1001

dur # Convert from seconds to time duration

10.0  42.0
x = 1234.0          |       20:34
y = 3.14159265359   |       00:03

date # Assume epoch time

10.0  42.0
x = 1234.0          | 12/31/1969+16:20:34 (Wed)
y = 3.14159265359   | 12/31/1969+16:00:03 (Wed)

time # Guess if this is a duration or epoch time

10.0  42.0
x = 1234.0          |       20:34
y = 3.14159265359   |       00:03

$ # Money display

10.0  42.0
x = 1234.0          |  $1234.00
y = 3.14159265359   |  $3.14

cent # Cent-wise money

10.0  42.0
x = 1234.0          |  $12.34
y = 3.14159265359   |  $0.03

Note that only x and y are converted by default. Use the .. command to see the whole stack converted:


s4 = 10.0            |  $0.10
s3 = 42.0            |  $0.42
s2 = 1234.0          |  $12.34
s1 = 3.14159265359   |  $0.03

To turn off special display modes, use the normal command:


10.0  42.0
x = 1234.0         
y = 3.14159265359

A couple more notes on Display Modes:

  • Display modes are informational only. The actual data on the stack is the number to the left of the | in the output
  • The format displayed to the right of the | can generally be entered as valid input but, because it's often lossy, the number you'll get back is not exactly the same as the data on the stack. A trivial example:
|> 1.2345 2 fixed
y = 1.2345          | 1.23

|fixed2|> 1.23
x = 1.2345          | 1.23
y = 1.23            | 1.23

|fixed2|> -
y = 0.0045          | 0.00

Automatic mode changes

rpncalc will automatically enable certain display modes based on your input patterns under these conditions:

  • If you enter a hexidecimal number or use a logical operator (e.g. 0x1234), hex mode is auto-enabled
  • If you enter a duration (e.g. 2:47:56), duration mode is auto-enabled
  • If you enter a time or date (e.g. 01/01/2010), time mode is auto-enabled
  • If you do any conversions, fixed mode is auto-enabled

To disable auto-enabling of modes, use the 'manual' command. Use the 'auto' command to re-enable display mode auto-enabling.

Batch and Interactive Modes

Batch mode will only print out the formatted result of the bottom of the stack. Interactive mode prints a more compete stack view. Batch is default when running rpncalc from the command line (e.g. rpncalc '4 5 +'), while interactive is the interactive default.


batch 4 5 +
interactive 5 6 +
 x = 9.0            
 y = 11.0

Supported Commands

fixed                 Turn on fixed-width mode (y holds post . digit count)
sig                   Turn on significant digit mode (y holds post sig digit count)
fixedpolar            Turn on fixed-width polar mode (y holds post . digit count)
sigpolar              Turn on significant digit polar mode (y holds sig digit count)
polar                 Turn on polar mode
hex                   Turn on hexadecimal display
bin                   Turn on binary display
dur                   Turn on duration (time) display
date                  Turn on date display
time                  Turn on date or duration (auto select) display
$                     Turn on Money Display mode
cent                  Turn on Cent-Wise Money Display mode
normal                Turn off special display modes
batch                 Only output formatted results
sketch                Output results in a form that can be reissued
interactive           Show interactive stack dump
manual                Do not automatically change display modes
auto                  Automatically change display modes based on input syntax (default)

Expression Debugging

Normally, when stack terms are entered on the same line, there is no output printed until the last element on the line is reached. When 'debug' is activated, the stack is printed after each operator. This can be useful when defining a complex macro or investigating a suspicious calculation result.


|> m:dist d * s d * + sqrt
Defined macro: dist
|> 3 4 @dist
y = 5.0            
|> X debug 3 4 @dist
  Stack Cut To Clipboard
  Exec: debug

  Exec: 3
y = 3.0            

  Exec: 4
  x = 3.0            
y = 4.0            

  Exec: d
  x = 4.0            
y = 4.0            

  Exec: *
  x = 3.0            
y = 16.0           

  Exec: s
  x = 16.0           
y = 3.0            

  Exec: d
  x = 3.0            
y = 3.0            

  Exec: *
  x = 16.0           
y = 9.0            

  Exec: +
y = 25.0           

  Exec: sqrt

  Exec: @dist

y = 5.0     

Supported Commands

debug                 Turn on expression debug (show all stack steps)
nodebug               Turn off expression debug

Type Conversion

rpncalc has a fairly robust conversion mode that can handle conversion between different ratios of products or inverses. Some good examples of this are:


10 mph>min/mile
5 gallons>in*in*in
90 kwh>kj

The basic pattern is:


Where wither old or new can be a single unit type or a product of types. The conversion engine is smart enough to invert old, if needed for a unit match. The engine is also smart enough to detect unit mismatch, for example:

1 acre>feet  (Error)
1 acre>feet*feet (Ok)

use the l:c command to list all known conversion types.

Supported Commands

mph>min/mile, yard*yard>ft*ft  Convert between number types
l:c                   Dump all known conversion keys

Macros and Conditionals

Macros and conditionals allow for simple programming concepts to be implemented. The m: syntax is used to define a macro. Later @macro can be used to execute it. The stack is used for argument passing and return values for the most part, although you can also use variables.

For an example, let's first define a macro that can produce the next fibonacci number in a series, assuming that the pattern is already seeded with 0, 1 on the stack:

m:fib_next \
  d 2 pc v +  # z = x+y

Now to complete the concept by defining fibonacci to set up the stack initially and fib_test and fib_iter helper macros to push the process along

m:fibonacci   \
    2 - i=   \ # Subtract 2 from arg and push 
    0 1       \ # Push the first 2 numbers in the series
    @fib_test   # kick off the iterator

m:fib_test \
    $i 0 > ?fib_iter  # If iterator is not expired then make another digit

m:fib_iter      \
    @fib_next   \ # Make the digit
    $i 1 - i= \ # Decrement the counter
    @fib_test     # See if there is more to do

15 @fibonacci # Generate the first 15 numbers

As you can see, programming with this calculator is possible but complex implementations are beyond the current goals.

Note that turning on debug mode can be a valuable aid in testing macros.

Variables and macros

Before a macro is executed, rpncalc automatically calls pushv and automatically calls popv upon exit. This means that the macro can freely create variables without concern of overwriting existing variables.

If you really want a macro to set a "global" variable, the trick is to popv to remove the backup copy, then pushv before returning to ensure that the macro's stack it the one preserved.

|> m:local 5 a= $a 4 +

|> m:global popv 5 b= $b 4 + pushv

|> @local set
c               =  299792458.0
e               =  2.71828182846
pi              =  3.14159265359
y = 9.0            

|> @global set
b               =  5.0
c               =  299792458.0
e               =  2.71828182846
pi              =  3.14159265359
x = 9.0            
y = 9.0    


Conditionals return 1 or 0. If rpncalc is not in mixed mode, these will automatically be converted to floats. The ? macro operator works correctly whether the argument is a integer or a float. Here is an example for clarity:

|> 1 2 > 1 2 <
  x = 0.0            
y = 1.0            

|> mixed

|mix|> 1 2 > 1 2 <
  0.0  1.0
  x = 0              
y = 1              

|mix|> m:foo 1234

|mix|> D 1 ?foo
   y = 1234           

|mix|> D 0 ?foo

|mix|> D 1.0 ?foo
y = 1234           

|mix|> D 0.0 ?foo

Supported Commands

m:<name> x y z...     Define a macro
@<name>               Execute a defined macro
?<name>               Pop y and execute <macro> only if non-zero
l:m                   List defined macros
>                     1 if x > y, 0 otherwise
<                     1 if x < y, 0 otherwise
>=                    1 if x >= y, 0 otherwise
<=                    1 if x <= y, 0 otherwise
==                    1 if x == y, 0 otherwise
!=                    1 if x != y, 0 otherwise
not                   1 if y == 0, 0 otherwise


Full featured commandline RPN calculator with macros, unit conversions, and much more.






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