A list of built-in tools in macOS that you probably didn't know about.
This is a utility for managing GPUs, especially eGPUs. This is what is behind the safe eject functionality of the eGPU in the System UI.
It is useful for:
- Listing GPUs on the system.
- Determining what applications are using a particular GPU.
- Ejecting an eGPU safely.
- Launching an application on a specific GPU.
- Switching an application from one GPU to another.
$ /usr/bin/SafeEjectGPU
usage: SafeEjectGPU [Commands...]
gpuid <gpuid> # specify gpuid of following commands
gpuids <gpuid1>,<gpuid2>,... # specify list of gpuids for RelaunchPIDOnGPU command
gpus # show all GPUs and their applicable properties
apps # show all Apps on specified gpuid
status # show status of all specified gpuid
Eject # Eject (full eject sequence) on specified gpuid
Initiate # Initiate eject sequence on specified gpuid
Relaunch # Relaunch lingering AppKit apps on specified gpuid
Finalize # Finalize eject sequence on specified gpuid
Cancel # Cancel eject sequence on specified gpuid
RelaunchPID <pid> # RelaunchPID can be used in app testing to send Relaunch stimulus in isolation
RelaunchPIDOnGPU <pid> # Send Relaunch stimulus to an app with set of limited GPUs to select from, use gpuids
LaunchOnGPU <path> # Launch an app from given bundle path with set of limited GPUs, use gpuids
zombies # show all zombies (apps holding reference to unplugged eGPU)
zcount # show count of (unhidden) zombies
Zkill # kill zombies
Zrelaunch # relaunch zombies
+fallbackGPUEjectPolicy # allow builtin fallbacks to take effect (default)
-fallbackGPUEjectPolicy # deny builtin fallbacks
Unspecified gpuid (==0) indicates all "removable" GPUs
Capitalized commands may have system-wide effects
Non-capitalized commands are informative only
See description of Info.plist "SafeEjectGPUPolicy" key. Use values:
"ignore", "wait", "relaunch", or "kill" for per-app policy
+/-fallbackGPUEjectPolicy can appear multiple times on the commandline and applies to following commands
Example of the gpus
$ /usr/bin/SafeEjectGPU gpus
2019-10-13 10:04:58.676 SafeEjectGPU[53035:3374543] Device PreExisted [000000010000778d] AMD Radeon RX 570
2019-10-13 10:04:58.676 SafeEjectGPU[53035:3374543] Device PreExisted [000000010000086b] AMD Radeon Pro 560X
2019-10-13 10:04:58.676 SafeEjectGPU[53035:3374543] Device PreExisted [000000010000081a] Intel(R) UHD Graphics 630
gpuid 0x56ce - Intel® UHD Graphics 630
registryID=0x000000010000081a integrated
location - BuiltIn
locationNumber - 0
maxTransferRate - 0
gpuid 0x9f05 - AMD Radeon Pro 560X
registryID=0x000000010000086b discrete
location - BuiltIn
locationNumber - 1
maxTransferRate - 0
gpuid 0x5d0e - AMD Radeon RX 570
registryID=0x000000010000778d removable
Razer Core X - enclosureRegistryID=0x000000010000776d
location - External
locationNumber - 4
maxTransferRate - 5000000000
The Apple T2 security chip (a built-in ARM chip in newer Mac models) communicates with your system with a modified HTTP/2 protocol. There is also a command-line interface for various functions of the chip.
$ /usr/libexec/remotectl
usage: remotectl list
usage: remotectl show (name|uuid)
usage: remotectl get-property (name|uuid) [service] property
usage: remotectl dumpstate
usage: remotectl browse
usage: remotectl echo [-v service_version] [-d (name|uuid)]
usage: remotectl echo-file (name|uuid) path
usage: remotectl eos-echo
usage: remotectl netcat (name|uuid) service
usage: remotectl relay (name|uuid) service
usage: remotectl loopback (attach|connect|detach|suspend|resume)
usage: remotectl bonjour ((enable|enable-loopback interface_name)|(disable))
usage: remotectl convert-bridge-version plist-in-path bin-out-path
usage: remotectl heartbeat (name|uuid)
usage: remotectl trampoline [-2 fd] service_name command args ... [ -- [-2 fd] service_name command args ... ]
Example of the list
$ /usr/libexec/remotectl list
MY_UUID_HERE localbridge iBridge2,3 J680AP 4.0 (17P572/17.16.10572.0.0,0) -
Example of the show
$ /usr/libexec/remotectl show MY_UUID_HERE
Found localbridge (bridge)
State: connected (connectable)
Product Type: iBridge2,3
OS Build: 4.0 (17P572)
Messaging Protocol Version: 1
Last successful heartbeat sent 18.730s ago, received 18.727s ago (took 0.002s)
6147 heartbeats sent, 0 received
Properties: {
AppleInternal => false
ChipID => 32786
EffectiveProductionStatusSEP => true
HWModel => J680AP
HasSEP => true
LocationID => 2148532224
RegionInfo => LL/A
EffectiveSecurityModeAp => true
FDRSealingStatus => true
SigningFuse => true
BuildVersion => 17P572
OSVersion => 4.0
BridgeVersion => 17.16.10572.0.0,0
SensitivePropertiesVisible => true
ProductType => iBridge2,3
BoardRevision => 1
Image4CryptoHashMethod => sha2-384
BoardId => 11
DeviceColor => black
EffectiveProductionStatusAp => true
EffectiveSecurityModeSEP => true
RemoteXPCVersionFlags => 72057594037927942
CertificateSecurityMode => true
CertificateProductionStatus => true
DeviceEnclosureColor => black
ModelNumber => Z0V16LL/A
RegionCode => LL
SecurityDomain => 1
InterfaceIndex => 4
HardwarePlatform => t8012
Image4Supported => true
This is a utility related to "CloudDocs", also know as iCloud Drive.
$ brctl
Usage: brctl <command> [command-options and arguments]
-h,--help show this help
diagnose [options] [--doc|-d <document-path>] [<diagnosis-output-path>]
diagnose and collect logs
-M,--collect-mobile-documents[=<container>] (default: all containers)
-s,--sysdiagnose Do not collect what's already part of sysdiagnose
-t,--uitest Collect logs for UI tests
-n,--name=<name> Change the device name
-f,--full Do a full diagnose, including server checks
Collect additional information about the document at that path.
Helps when investigating an issue impacting a specific document.
-e,--no-reveal Do not reveal diagnose in the Finder when done
Specifies the output path of the diagnosis; -n becomes useless.
log [options] [<command>]
-a,--all Show all system logs
-p,--predicate Additional predicate (see `log help predicates`)
-x,--process <name> Filter events from the specified process
-d,--path=<logs-dir> Use <logs-dir> instead of default
-S,--start="YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" Start log dump from a specified date
-E,--end="YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" Stop log dump after a specified date
-b    Only show CloudDocs logs
-f    Only show FileProvider related logs
-g    Only show Genstore related logs
-z,--local-timezone Display timestamps within local timezone
dump [options] [<container>]
dump the CloudDocs database
redirect output to <file-path>
Use the database at <db-path>
Don't dump items from the db
Upgrade the db if necessary before dumping
[<container>] the container to be dumped
status [<containers>]
Prints items which haven't been completely synced up / applied to disk
[<container>] the container to be dumped
Displays the available quota in the account
monitor [options] [<container> ...]
monitor activity
-g dump global activity of the iCloud Drive
-i dump changes incrementally
restrict the NSMetadataQuery scope to docs, data, external or a combination
[<container> ...] list of containers to monitor, ignored when -g is used
A pretty cool command here is a utility to get the quota left on your iCloud Drive:
$ brctl quota
2098962726220 bytes of quota remaining
Basically an all around useful tool for managing users, as well as manage full-disk encryption (FileVault).
$ /usr/sbin/sysadminctl
Usage: sysadminctl
-deleteUser <user name> [-secure || -keepHome] (interactive || -adminUser <administrator user name> -adminPassword <administrator password>)
-newPassword <new password> -oldPassword <old password> [-passwordHint <password hint>]
-resetPasswordFor <local user name> -newPassword <new password> [-passwordHint <password hint>] (interactive] || -adminUser <administrator user name> -adminPassword <administrator password>)
-addUser <user name> [-fullName <full name>] [-UID <user ID>] [-shell <path to shell>] [-password <user password>] [-hint <user hint>] [-home <full path to home>] [-admin] [-picture <full path to user image>] (interactive] || -adminUser <administrator user name> -adminPassword <administrator password>)
-secureTokenStatus <user name>
-secureTokenOn <user name> -password <password> (interactive || -adminUser <administrator user name> -adminPassword <administrator password>)
-secureTokenOff <user name> -password <password> (interactive || -adminUser <administrator user name> -adminPassword <administrator password>)
-guestAccount <on || off || status>
-afpGuestAccess <on || off || status>
-smbGuestAccess <on || off || status>
-automaticTime <on || off || status>
-filesystem status
-screenLock <immediate || off> -password <password>
Pass '-' instead of password in commands above to request prompt.
'-adminPassword' used mostly for scripted operation. Use '-' or 'interactive' to get the authentication string interactively. This preferred for security reasons
A pretty useful command in this tool is to check if FileVault is enabled:
$ sudo sysadminctl -filesystem status
2019-10-13 10:16:41.266 sysadminctl[61797:3404423] Boot volume CS FDE: NO
2019-10-13 10:16:41.298 sysadminctl[61797:3404423] Boot volume APFS FDE: YES
CloudKit controls, probably useful for some advanced users.
$ /usr/sbin/ckksctl
usage: ckksctl [-p] [-j] [-v arg] [status] [fetch] [push] [resync] [reset] [reset-cloudkit] [ckmetric]
Control and report on CKKS
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-p, --perfcounters Print CKKS performance counters
-j, --json Output in JSON format
-v arg, --view arg Operate on a single view
optional commands:
status Report status on CKKS views
fetch Fetch all new changes in CloudKit and attempt to process them
push Push all pending local changes to CloudKit
resync Resync all data with what's in CloudKit
reset All local data will be wiped, and data refetched from CloudKit
reset-cloudkit All data in CloudKit will be removed and replaced with what's local
ckmetric Push CloudKit metric
This is the Octagon Trust utility. It's a pretty neat view of the underlying trust network being used by your Apple Devices.
$ /usr/sbin/otctl
usage: otctl [-s arg] [-e arg] [-r arg] [-j] [--altDSID arg] [--entropy arg] [--container arg] [--radar arg] [start] [sign-in] [sign-out] [status] [resetoctagon] [allBottles] [recover] [depart] [er-trigger] [er-status] [er-reset] [er-store] [health] [taptoradar]
Control and report on Octagon Trust
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-s arg, --secret arg escrow secret
-e arg, --bottleID arg bottle record id
-r arg, --skipRateLimiting arg enter values YES or NO, option defaults to NO, This gives you the opportunity to skip the rate limiting check when performing the cuttlefish health check
-j, --json Output in JSON
--altDSID arg altDSID (for sign-in/out)
--entropy arg escrowed entropy in JSON
--container arg CloudKit container name
--radar arg Radar number
optional commands:
start Start Octagon state machine
Inform Cuttlefish container of sign in
sign-out Inform Cuttlefish container of sign out
status Report Octagon status
resetoctagon Reset and establish new Octagon trust
allBottles Fetch all viable bottles
recover Recover using this bottle
depart Depart from Octagon Trust
er-trigger Trigger an Escrow Request request
er-status Report status on any pending Escrow Request requests
er-reset Delete all Escrow Request requests
er-store Store any pending Escrow Request prerecords
health Check Octagon Health status
taptoradar Trigger a TapToRadar
Run the following command to list your peers:
$ /us/sbin/otctl status
... Lots of Useful Output ...
This is the System Policy management utility. You can enable and disable Gatekeeper and other code-signing features this way.
$ /usr/sbin/spctl
System Policy Basic Usage:
spctl --assess [--type type] [-v] path ... # assessment
spctl --add [--type type] [--path|--requirement|--anchor|--hash] spec ... # add rule(s)
spctl [--enable|--disable|--remove] [--type type] [--path|--requirement|--anchor|--hash|--rule] spec # change rule(s)
spctl --status | --master-enable | --master-disable # system master switch
Developer Mode Usage:
spctl developer-mode <action>
Add Terminal as a developer tool.
Kernel Extension User Consent Usage:
spctl kext-consent <action> ** Modifications only available in Recovery OS **
Print whether kernel extension user consent is enabled or disabled.
Enable requiring user consent for kernel extensions.
Disable requiring user consent for kernel extensions.
add <team-id>
Insert a new Team Identifier into the list allowed to load kernel extensions without user consent.
Print the list of Team Identifiers allowed to load without user consent.
remove <team-id>
Remove a Team Identifier from the list allowed to load kernel extensions without user consent.
A useful command is to view the status of the system policy assesments:
$ /usr/sbin/spctl --status
assessments enabled
Network setup is pretty much everything network-related minus some wireless stuff.
$ /usr/sbin/networksetup
networksetup Help Information
Usage: networksetup -listnetworkserviceorder
Display services with corresponding port and device in order they are tried for connecting
to a network. An asterisk (*) denotes that a service is disabled.
Usage: networksetup -listallnetworkservices
Display list of services. An asterisk (*) denotes that a network service is disabled.
Usage: networksetup -listallhardwareports
Display list of hardware ports with corresponding device name and ethernet address.
Usage: networksetup -detectnewhardware
Detect new network hardware and create a default network service on the hardware.
Usage: networksetup -getmacaddress <hardwareport or device name>
Display ethernet (or Wi-Fi) address for hardwareport or device specified.
Usage: networksetup -getcomputername
Display the computer name.
Usage: networksetup -setcomputername <name>
Set the computer's name (if valid) to <name>.
Usage: networksetup -getinfo <networkservice>
Display IPv4 address, IPv6 address, subnet mask,
router address, ethernet address for <networkservice>.
Usage: networksetup -setmanual <networkservice> <ip> <subnet> <router>
Set the <networkservice> TCP/IP configuration to manual with IP address set to ip,
Subnet Mask set to subnet, and Router address set to router.
Usage: networksetup -setdhcp <networkservice> [clientid]
Set the <networkservice> TCP/IP configuration to DHCP. You can set the
DHCP client id to the optional [clientid]. Specify "Empty" for [clientid]
to clear the DHCP client id.
Usage: networksetup -setbootp <networkservice>
Set the <networkservice> TCP/IP configuration to BOOTP.
Usage: networksetup -setmanualwithdhcprouter <networkservice> <ip>
Set the <networkservice> TCP/IP configuration to manual with DHCP router with IP address set
to ip.
Usage: networksetup -getadditionalroutes <networkservice>
Get additional IPv4 routes associated with <networkservice>
Usage: networksetup -setadditionalroutes <networkservice> [ <dest> <mask> <gateway> ]*
Set additional IPv4 routes associated with <networkservice>
by specifying one or more [ <dest> <mask> <gateway> ] tuples.
Remove additional routes by specifying no arguments.
If <gateway> is "", the route is direct to the interface
Usage: networksetup -setv4off <networkservice>
Turn IPv4 off on <networkservice>.
Usage: networksetup -setv6off <networkservice>
Turn IPv6 off on <networkservice>.
Usage: networksetup -setv6automatic <networkservice>
Set the service to get its IPv6 info automatically.
Usage: networksetup -setv6LinkLocal <networkservice>
Set the service to use its IPv6 only for link local.
Usage: networksetup -setv6manual <networkservice> <address> <prefixlength> <router>
Set the service to get its IPv6 info manually.
Specify <address> <prefixLength> and <router>.
Usage: networksetup -getv6additionalroutes <networkservice>
Get additional IPv6 routes associated with <networkservice>
Usage: networksetup -setv6additionalroutes <networkservice> [ <dest> <prefixlength> <gateway> ]*
Set additional IPv6 routes associated with <networkservice>
by specifying one or more [ <dest> <prefixlength> <gateway> ] tuples.
Remove additional routes by specifying no arguments.
If <gateway> is "", the route is direct to the interface
Usage: networksetup -getdnsservers <networkservice>
Display DNS info for <networkservice>.
Usage: networksetup -setdnsservers <networkservice> <dns1> [dns2] [...]
Set the <networkservice> DNS servers to <dns1> [dns2] [...]. Any number of dns servers can be
specified. Specify "Empty" for <dns1> to clear all DNS entries.
Usage: networksetup -getsearchdomains <networkservice>
Display Domain Name info for <networkservice>.
Usage: networksetup -setsearchdomains <networkservice> <domain1> [domain2] [...]
Set the <networkservice> Domain Name servers to <domain1> [domain2] [...]. Any number of Domain Name
servers can be specified. Specify "Empty" for <domain1> to clear all Domain Name entries.
Usage: networksetup -create6to4service <newnetworkservicename>
Create a 6 to 4 service with name <newnetworkservicename>.
Usage: networksetup -set6to4automatic <networkservice>
Set the service to get its 6 to 4 info automatically.
Usage: networksetup -set6to4manual <networkservice> <relayaddress>
Set the service to get its 6 to 4 info manually.
Specify <relayaddress> for the relay address.
Usage: networksetup -getftpproxy <networkservice>
Display FTP proxy (server, port, enabled value) info for <networkservice>.
Usage: networksetup -setftpproxy <networkservice> <domain> <port number> <authenticated> <username> <password>
Set FTP proxy for <networkservice> with <domain> and <port number>. Turns proxy on. Optionally, specify <on> or <off> for <authenticated> to enable and disable authenticated proxy support. Specify <username> and <password> if you turn authenticated proxy support on.
Usage: networksetup -setftpproxystate <networkservice> <on off>
Set FTP proxy to either <on> or <off>.
Usage: networksetup -getwebproxy <networkservice>
Display Web proxy (server, port, enabled value) info for <networkservice>.
Usage: networksetup -setwebproxy <networkservice> <domain> <port number> <authenticated> <username> <password>
Set Web proxy for <networkservice> with <domain> and <port number>. Turns proxy on. Optionally, specify <on> or <off> for <authenticated> to enable and disable authenticated proxy support. Specify <username> and <password> if you turn authenticated proxy support on.
Usage: networksetup -setwebproxystate <networkservice> <on off>
Set Web proxy to either <on> or <off>.
Usage: networksetup -getsecurewebproxy <networkservice>
Display Secure Web proxy (server, port, enabled value) info for <networkservice>.
Usage: networksetup -setsecurewebproxy <networkservice> <domain> <port number> <authenticated> <username> <password>
Set Secure Web proxy for <networkservice> with <domain> and <port number>. Turns proxy on. Optionally, specify <on> or <off> for <authenticated> to enable and disable authenticated proxy support. Specify <username> and <password> if you turn authenticated proxy support on.
Usage: networksetup -setsecurewebproxystate <networkservice> <on off>
Set SecureWeb proxy to either <on> or <off>.
Usage: networksetup -getstreamingproxy <networkservice>
Display Streaming proxy (server, port, enabled value) info for <networkservice>.
Usage: networksetup -setstreamingproxy <networkservice> <domain> <port number> <authenticated> <username> <password>
Set Streaming proxy for <networkservice> with <domain> and <port number>. Turns proxy on. Optionally, specify <on> or <off> for <authenticated> to enable and disable authenticated proxy support. Specify <username> and <password> if you turn authenticated proxy support on.
Usage: networksetup -setstreamingproxystate <networkservice> <on off>
Set Streaming proxy to either <on> or <off>.
Usage: networksetup -getgopherproxy <networkservice>
Display Gopher proxy (server, port, enabled value) info for <networkservice>.
Usage: networksetup -setgopherproxy <networkservice> <domain> <port number> <authenticated> <username> <password>
Set Gopher proxy for <networkservice> with <domain> and <port number>. Turns proxy on. Optionally, specify <on> or <off> for <authenticated> to enable and disable authenticated proxy support. Specify <username> and <password> if you turn authenticated proxy support on.
Usage: networksetup -setgopherproxystate <networkservice> <on off>
Set Gopher proxy to either <on> or <off>.
Usage: networksetup -getsocksfirewallproxy <networkservice>
Display SOCKS Firewall proxy (server, port, enabled value) info for <networkservice>.
Usage: networksetup -setsocksfirewallproxy <networkservice> <domain> <port number> <authenticated> <username> <password>
Set SOCKS Firewall proxy for <networkservice> with <domain> and <port number>. Turns proxy on. Optionally, specify <on> or <off> for <authenticated> to enable and disable authenticated proxy support. Specify <username> and <password> if you turn authenticated proxy support on.
Usage: networksetup -setsocksfirewallproxystate <networkservice> <on off>
Set SOCKS Firewall proxy to either <on> or <off>.
Usage: networksetup -getproxybypassdomains <networkservice>
Display Bypass Domain Names for <networkservice>.
Usage: networksetup -setproxybypassdomains <networkservice> <domain1> [domain2] [...]
Set the Bypass Domain Name Servers for <networkservice> to <domain1> [domain2] [...]. Any number of
Domain Name servers can be specified. Specify "Empty" for <domain1> to clear all
Domain Name entries.
Usage: networksetup -getproxyautodiscovery <networkservice>
Display whether Proxy Auto Discover is on or off for <network service>.
Usage: networksetup -setproxyautodiscovery <networkservice> <on off>
Set Proxy Auto Discovery to either <on> or <off>.
Usage: networksetup -getpassiveftp <networkservice>
Display whether Passive FTP is on or off for <networkservice>.
Usage: networksetup -setpassiveftp <networkservice> <on off>
Set Passive FTP to either <on> or <off>.
Usage: networksetup -setautoproxyurl <networkservice> <url>
Set proxy auto-config to url for <networkservice> and enable it.
Usage: networksetup -getautoproxyurl <networkservice>
Display proxy auto-config (url, enabled) info for <networkservice>.
Usage: networksetup -setautoproxystate <networkservice> <on off>
Set proxy auto-config to either <on> or <off>.
Usage: networksetup -getairportnetwork <device name>
Display current Wi-Fi Network for <device name>.
Usage: networksetup -setairportnetwork <device name> <network> [password]
Set Wi-Fi Network to <network> for <device name>.
If a password is included, it gets stored in the keychain.
Usage: networksetup -getairportpower <device name>
Display whether Wi-Fi power is on or off for <device name>.
Usage: networksetup -setairportpower <device name> <on off>
Set Wi-Fi power for <device name> to either <on> or <off>.
Usage: networksetup -listpreferredwirelessnetworks <device name>
List the preferred wireless networks for <device name>.
Usage: networksetup -addpreferredwirelessnetworkatindex <device name> <network> <index> <security type> [password]
Add wireless network named <network> to preferred list for <device name> at <index>.
For security type, use OPEN for none, WPA for WPA Personal, WPAE for WPA Enterprise,
WPA2 for WPA2 Personal, WPA2E for WPA2 Enterprise, WEP for plain WEP, and 8021XWEP for 802.1X WEP.
If a password is included, it gets stored in the keychain.
Usage: networksetup -removepreferredwirelessnetwork <device name> <network>
Remove <network> from the preferred wireless network list for <device name>.
Usage: networksetup -removeallpreferredwirelessnetworks <device name>
Remove all networks from the preferred wireless network list for <device name>.
Usage: networksetup -getnetworkserviceenabled <networkservice>
Display whether a service is on or off (enabled or disabled).
Usage: networksetup -setnetworkserviceenabled <networkservice> <on off>
Set <networkservice> to either <on> or <off> (enabled or disabled).
Usage: networksetup -createnetworkservice <newnetworkservicename> <hardwareport>
Create a service named <networkservice> on port <hardwareport>. The new service will be enabled by default.
Usage: networksetup -renamenetworkservice <networkservice> <newnetworkservicename>
Rename <networkservice> to <newnetworkservicename>.
Usage: networksetup -duplicatenetworkservice <networkservice> <newnetworkservicename>
Duplicate <networkservice> and name it with <newnetworkservicename>.
Usage: networksetup -removenetworkservice <networkservice>
Remove the service named <networkservice>. Will fail if this is the only service on the hardware port that <networkservice> is on.
Usage: networksetup -ordernetworkservices <service1> <service2> <service3> <...>
Order the services in order specified. Use "-listnetworkserviceorder" to view service order.
Note: use quotes around service names which contain spaces (ie. "Built-in Ethernet").
Usage: networksetup -setMTUAndMediaAutomatically <hardwareport or device name>
Set hardwareport or device specified back to automatically setting the MTU and Media.
Usage: networksetup -getMTU <hardwareport or device name>
Get the MTU value for hardwareport or device specified.
Usage: networksetup -setMTU <hardwareport or device name> <value>
Set MTU for hardwareport or device specified.
Usage: networksetup -listvalidMTUrange <hardwareport or device name>
List the valid MTU range for hardwareport or device specified.
Usage: networksetup -getmedia <hardwareport or device name>
Show both the current setting for media and the active media on hardwareport or device specified.
Usage: networksetup -setmedia <hardwareport or device name> <subtype> [option1] [option2] [...]
Set media for hardwareport or device specified to subtype. Specify optional [option1] and additional options depending on subtype. Any number of valid options can be specified.
Usage: networksetup -listvalidmedia <hardwareport or device name>
List valid media options for hardwareport or device name. Enumerates available subtypes and options per subtype.
Usage: networksetup -createVLAN <VLAN name> <device name> <tag>
Create a VLAN with name <VLAN name> over device <device name> with unique tag <tag>. A default network service will be created over the VLAN.
Usage: networksetup -deleteVLAN <VLAN name> <device name> <tag>
Delete the VLAN with name <VLAN name> over the parent device <device name> with unique tag <tag>. If there are network services running over the VLAN they will be deleted.
Usage: networksetup -listVLANs
List the VLANs that have been created.
Usage: networksetup -listdevicesthatsupportVLAN
List the devices that support VLANs.
Usage: networksetup -isBondSupported <device name ie., en0>
Return YES if the specified device can be added to a bond. NO if it cannot.
Usage: networksetup -createBond <user defined name> <device name 1> <device name 2> <...>
Create a new bond and give it the user defined name. Add the specified devices, if any, to the bond.
Usage: networksetup -deleteBond <bond name ie., bond0>
Delete the bond with the specified device-name.
Usage: networksetup -addDeviceToBond <device name> <bond name>
Add the specified device to the specified bond.
Usage: networksetup -removeDeviceFromBond <device name> <bond name>
Remove the specified device from the specified bond
Usage: networksetup -listBonds
List all of the bonds.
Usage: networksetup -showBondStatus <bond name ie., bond0>
Display the status of the specified bond.
Usage: networksetup -listpppoeservices
List all of the PPPoE services in the current set.
Usage: networksetup -showpppoestatus <service name ie., MyPPPoEService>
Display the status of the specified PPPoE service.
Usage: networksetup -createpppoeservice <device name ie., en0> <service name> <account name> <password> [pppoe service name]
Create a PPPoE service on the specified device with the service name specified.
The "pppoe service name" is optional and may not be supported by the service provider.
Usage: networksetup -deletepppoeservice <service name>
Delete the PPPoE service.
Usage: networksetup -setpppoeaccountname <service name> <account name>
Sets the account name for the specified service.
Usage: networksetup -setpppoepassword <service name> <password>
Sets the password stored in the keychain for the specified service.
Usage: networksetup -connectpppoeservice <service name>
Connect the PPPoE service.
Usage: networksetup -disconnectpppoeservice <service name>
Disconnect the PPPoE service.
Usage: networksetup -getcurrentlocation
Display the name of the current location.
Usage: networksetup -listlocations
List all of the locations.
Usage: networksetup -createlocation <location name> [populate]
Create a new network location with the spcified name.
If the optional term "populate" is included, the location will be populated with the default services.
Usage: networksetup -deletelocation <location name>
Delete the location.
Usage: networksetup -switchtolocation <location name>
Make the specified location the current location.
Usage: networksetup -listalluserprofiles
Display the names of all of the user profiles.
Usage: networksetup -listloginprofiles <service name>
Display the names of the loginwindow profiles for the specified service.
Usage: networksetup -enablesystemprofile <service name> <on off>
Enables or disables the system profile for the specified service.
Usage: networksetup -enableloginprofile <service name> <profile name> <on off>
Enables or disables the specified loginwindow profile for the specified service.
Usage: networksetup -enableuserprofile <profile name> <on off>
Enables or disables the specified user profile.
Usage: networksetup -import8021xProfiles <service name> <file path>
Imports the 802.1x profiles for the specified service.
Usage: networksetup -export8021xProfiles <service name> <file path> <include keychain items: yes no>
Exports all of the profiles for the specified service.
If the last parameter is yes, it will include the items from the keychain.
Usage: networksetup -export8021xUserProfiles <file path> <include keychain items: yes no>
Exports only the user profiles.
If the last parameter is yes, it will include the items from the keychain.
Usage: networksetup -export8021xLoginProfiles <service name> <file path> <include keychain items: yes no>
Exports only the loginwindow profiles for the specified service.
If the last parameter is yes, it will include the items from the keychain.
Usage: networksetup -export8021xSystemProfile <service name> <file path> <include keychain items: yes no>
Exports only the system profile for the specified service.
If the last parameter is yes, it will include the items from the keychain.
Usage: networksetup -settlsidentityonsystemprofile <service name> <file path> <passphrase>
Sets the TLS identity on the system profile for the specified service.
The identity must be a pkcs12 file.
Usage: networksetup -settlsidentityonuserprofile <profile name> <file path> <passphrase>
Sets the TLS identity on the specified user profile.
The identity must be a pkcs12 file.
Usage: networksetup -deletesystemprofile <service name>
Deletes the system profile for the specified service.
Usage: networksetup -deleteloginprofile <service name> <profile name>
Deletes the specified loginwindow profile for the specified service.
Usage: networksetup -deleteuserprofile <profile name>
Deletes the specified user profile.
Usage: networksetup -version
Display version of networksetup tool.
Usage: networksetup -help
Display these help listings.
Usage: networksetup -printcommands
Displays a quick listing of commands (without explanations).
Any command that takes a password, will accept - to indicate the password should be read from stdin.
This utility provides a lot of simpler system setup options.
$ sudo /usr/sbin/systemsetup
systemsetup Help Information
Usage: systemsetup -getdate
Display current date.
Usage: systemsetup -setdate <mm:dd:yy>
Set current date to <mm:dd:yy>.
Usage: systemsetup -gettime
Display current time.
Usage: systemsetup -settime <hh:mm:ss>
Set current time to <hh:mm:ss>.
Usage: systemsetup -gettimezone
Display current time zone.
Usage: systemsetup -settimezone <timezone>
Set current time zone to <timezone>. Use "-listtimezones" to list time zones.
Usage: systemsetup -listtimezones
List time zones supported by this machine.
Usage: systemsetup -getusingnetworktime
Display whether network time is on or off.
Usage: systemsetup -setusingnetworktime <on off>
Set using network time to either <on> or <off>.
Usage: systemsetup -getnetworktimeserver
Display network time server.
Usage: systemsetup -setnetworktimeserver <timeserver>
Set network time server to <timeserver>.
Usage: systemsetup -getsleep
Display amount of idle time until computer, display and hard disk sleep.
Usage: systemsetup -setsleep <minutes>
Set amount of idle time until computer, display and hard disk sleep to <minutes>.
Specify "Never" or "Off" for never.
Usage: systemsetup -getcomputersleep
Display amount of idle time until computer sleeps.
Usage: systemsetup -setcomputersleep <minutes>
Set amount of idle time until compputer sleeps to <minutes>.
Specify "Never" or "Off" for never.
Usage: systemsetup -getdisplaysleep
Display amount of idle time until display sleeps.
Usage: systemsetup -setdisplaysleep <minutes>
Set amount of idle time until display sleeps to <minutes>.
Specify "Never" or "Off" for never.
Usage: systemsetup -getharddisksleep
Display amount of idle time until hard disk sleeps.
Usage: systemsetup -setharddisksleep <minutes>
Set amount of idle time until hard disk sleeps to <minutes>.
Specify "Never" or "Off" for never.
Usage: systemsetup -getwakeonmodem
Display whether wake on modem is on or off.
Usage: systemsetup -setwakeonmodem <on off>
Set wake on modem to either <on> or <off>.
Usage: systemsetup -getwakeonnetworkaccess
Display whether wake on network access is on or off.
Usage: systemsetup -setwakeonnetworkaccess <on off>
Set wake on network access to either <on> or <off>.
Usage: systemsetup -getrestartpowerfailure
Display whether restart on power failure is on or off.
Usage: systemsetup -setrestartpowerfailure <on off>
Set restart on power failure to either <on> or <off>.
Usage: systemsetup -getrestartfreeze
Display whether restart on freeze is on or off.
Usage: systemsetup -setrestartfreeze <on off>
Set restart on freeze to either <on> or <off>.
Usage: systemsetup -getallowpowerbuttontosleepcomputer
Display whether the power button is able to sleep the computer.
Usage: systemsetup -setallowpowerbuttontosleepcomputer <on off>
Enable or disable whether the power button can sleep the computer.
Usage: systemsetup -getremotelogin
Display whether remote login is on or off.
Usage: systemsetup -setremotelogin <on off>
Set remote login to either <on> or <off>. Use "systemsetup -f -setremotelogin off" to suppress prompting when turning remote login off. Requires Full Disk Access privileges.
Usage: systemsetup -getremoteappleevents
Display whether remote apple events are on or off.
Usage: systemsetup -setremoteappleevents <on off>
Set remote apple events to either <on> or <off>. Requires Full Disk Access privileges.
Usage: systemsetup -getcomputername
Display computer name.
Usage: systemsetup -setcomputername <computername>
Set computer name to <computername>.
Usage: systemsetup -getlocalsubnetname
Display local subnet name.
Usage: systemsetup -setlocalsubnetname <name>
Set local subnet name to <name>.
Usage: systemsetup -getstartupdisk
Display current startup disk.
Usage: systemsetup -setstartupdisk <disk>
Set current startup disk to <disk>.
Usage: systemsetup -liststartupdisks
List startup disks on this machine.
Usage: systemsetup -getwaitforstartupafterpowerfailure
Get the number of seconds after which the computer will start up after a power failure.
Usage: systemsetup -setwaitforstartupafterpowerfailure <seconds>
Set the number of seconds after which the computer will start up after a power failure. The <seconds> value must be a multiple of 30 seconds.
Usage: systemsetup -getdisablekeyboardwhenenclosurelockisengaged
Get whether or not the keyboard should be disabled when the X Serve enclosure lock is engaged.
Usage: systemsetup -setdisablekeyboardwhenenclosurelockisengaged <yes no>
Set whether or not the keyboard should be disabled when the X Serve enclosure lock is engaged.
Usage: systemsetup -version
Display version of systemsetup tool.
Usage: systemsetup -help
Display help.
Usage: systemsetup -printCommands
Display commands.
The Airport command-line utility can yield a lot of useful Wi-Fi info.
$ /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport
Usage: airport <interface> <verb> <options>
If an interface is not specified, airport will use the first AirPort interface on the system.
<verb is one of the following:
prefs If specified with no key value pairs, displays a subset of AirPort preferences for
the specified interface.
Preferences may be configured using key=value syntax. Keys and possible values are specified below.
Boolean settings may be configured using 'YES' and 'NO'.
DisconnectOnLogout (Boolean)
JoinMode (String)
JoinModeFallback (String)
RememberRecentNetworks (Boolean)
RequireAdmin (Boolean)
RequireAdminIBSS (Boolean)
RequireAdminNetworkChange (Boolean)
RequireAdminPowerToggle (Boolean)
WoWEnabled (Boolean)
logger Monitor the driver's logging facility.
sniff If a channel number is specified, airportd will attempt to configure the interface
to use that channel before it begins sniffing 802.11 frames. Captures files are saved to /tmp.
Requires super user privileges.
debug Enable debug logging. A debug log setting may be enabled by prefixing it with a '+', and disabled
by prefixing it with a '-'.
AirPort Userland Debug Flags
AllUserland - Enable/Disable all userland debug flags
AirPort Driver Common Flags
AllDriver - Enable/Disable all driver debug flags
AirPort Driver Vendor Flags
AllVendor - Enable/Disable all vendor debug flags
AirPort Global Flags
LogFile - Save all AirPort logs to /var/log/wifi.log
<options> is one of the following:
No options currently defined.
Configuring preferences (requires admin privileges)
sudo airport en1 prefs JoinMode=Preferred RememberRecentNetworks=NO RequireAdmin=YES
Sniffing on channel 1:
airport en1 sniff 1
Supported arguments:
-c[<arg>] --channel=[<arg>] Set arbitrary channel on the card
-z --disassociate Disassociate from any network
-I --getinfo Print current wireless status, e.g. signal info, BSSID, port type etc.
-s[<arg>] --scan=[<arg>] Perform a wireless broadcast scan.
Will perform a directed scan if the optional <arg> is provided
-x --xml Print info as XML
-P --psk Create PSK from specified pass phrase and SSID.
The following additional arguments must be specified with this command:
--password=<arg> Specify a WPA password
--ssid=<arg> Specify SSID when creating a PSK
-h --help Show this help
Probably my favorite use of this command is getting the current network:
$ /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport -I
agrCtlRSSI: -40
agrExtRSSI: 0
agrCtlNoise: -91
agrExtNoise: 0
state: running
op mode: station
lastTxRate: 351
maxRate: 1300
lastAssocStatus: 0
802.11 auth: open
link auth: wpa2-psk
MCS: 7
channel: 44,80
Also, you can scan your local Wi-Fi networks by running:
$ /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport -s
... Networks Here ...