- Run all windows updates;
- Restart as many times as needed;
- Open Windows PowerShell as
⚠️ administrator⚠️ ; - Run this command:
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Force
- Install Choco from here;
- Open Windows PowerShell as
⚠️ administrator⚠️ ; - Run the commands below:
choco install googlechrome -y choco install notepadplusplus -y choco install git -y choco install 7zip -y choco install vscode -y choco install python --version=3.9.0 -y choco install nvm -y choco install powertoys -y choco install autohotkey -y
- Restart;
- Remove Edge shortcuts;
- Open Chrome;
- Make Chrome default browser;
- Turn on Sync;
- Pin Chrome;
- Login google;
- Login github;
- Start -> type "Language Settings";
- Preferred Languages;
- English (United States);
- Options;
- Remove additional keyboards. There must be only one: "United States-International QUERTY";
- Configure keyboard from here;
- Start -> type "Change Time zone";
- (UTC-3:00) Brasilia;
- https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/bginfo
- Put BGInfo shortcut at startup folder:
- Start -> Run -> shell:startup
- Select Start > Settings > System > About;
- Select Rename this PC;
- Change it to: "pc-gamer".
- Open Microsoft Store;
- Install Windows Terminal;
- Configure SSH connection to Github, pull some repo to test connection;
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "[email protected]"
- Follow instructions here and here;
- Create a
file at home directory and fill with the above content:[user] name = Mauro Oliveira email = [email protected] [alias] p = "!git push -u origin $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)" c = "!git add -A && git commit" s = "status" d = "diff" [pull] rebase = false
- Run this if windows 11:
git config --global core.sshCommand "C:/Windows/System32/OpenSSH/ssh.exe"
From: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11941175/git-fetch-pull-clone-hangs-on-receiving-objects
Open Windows PowerShell as
⚠️ administrator⚠️ ; -
Run these commands:
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Force Install-Module posh-git -Scope AllUsers -Force Import-Module posh-git Add-PoshGitToProfile -AllHosts
from https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Appendix-A%3A-Git-in-Other-Environments-Git-in-PowerShell
as folows:Import-Module posh-git function prompt { $origLastExitCode = $LASTEXITCODE $prompt = "$($ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation)" if ($status = Get-GitStatus -Force) { $prompt += " [" if ($status.HasWorking) { $prompt += (Write-GitWorkingDirStatusSummary $status -NoLeadingSpace) + "$(Write-GitWorkingDirStatus $status) " } if ($status.HasWorking -and $status.HasIndex) { $prompt += "| " } if ($status.HasIndex) { $prompt += "$(Write-GitIndexStatus $status -NoLeadingSpace) " } $prompt += "$(Write-GitBranchStatus $status -NoLeadingSpace)$(Write-GitBranchName $status)]" } $prompt += Write-Prompt "`r`nλ " -ForegroundColor Orange $LASTEXITCODE = $origLastExitCode $prompt }
- Open Windows PowerShell as
⚠️ administrator⚠️ ; - Run the commands below:
iwr -useb https://git.io/debloat|iex
- Follow instructions and debloat all!
- Open Windows PowerShell as
⚠️ administrator⚠️ ; - Run the commands below:
choco install vlc -y choco install ffmpeg -y choco install handbrake -y
- Start -> type "Default Apps";
- Make VLC dafault video app;
- Start -> type "Power & sleep settings";
- Tell to Windows never sleeps;
- Install NERD FONTS from here;
- Install Visual Studio Professional 2022 and activate it;
- Install VsVim from here. Configure
file;imap jj <Esc> imap jk <Esc> set clipboard=unnamedplus set ignorecase set scrolloff=10 nnoremap K :vsc Edit.QuickInfo<CR> nnoremap gr :vsc Edit.FindAllReferences<CR> nnoremap gI :vsc Edit.GoToImplementation<CR> nnoremap gs :vsc Edit.ParameterInfo<CR>
- Install Rider and IdeaVim. Configure
file;imap jj <Esc> imap jk <Esc> set clipboard=unnamedplus set ignorecase set scrolloff=10 nnoremap K :action ShowQuickDocumentation<CR> nnoremap gr :action FindUsages<CR> nnoremap gI :action GotoImplementation<CR> nnoremap gs :action ParameterInfo<CR>
- Install DotNet Core 8.0 SDK;
- Open Windows PowerShell as
⚠️ administrator⚠️ ; - Run the commands below:
choco install docker-desktop -y choco install microsoft-teams -y
- Restart