This python script is able to parse a file names of date timestamps. The timestamp is then used to update the files exif information by calling the exiftool command.
Uisng the the program arguements one is able to costimize date format encoded in the file name to suit media data stored/exported for messengers such as Signal or WhatsApp.
usage: [-h] --input i [i ...] [--prefix p] [--format f] [--exifcmd EXIFCMD] [--date_tags DATE_TAGS [DATE_TAGS ...]] [--echo] [--echo_only]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--input i [i ...] input file --> required
--prefix p file prefix
--format f date format YYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm-ss-ccc
--exifcmd EXIFCMD exiftool command
--date_tags DATE_TAGS [DATE_TAGS ...]
exif tags to set such as alldates, FileModifyDate, CreateDate, ...
--echo prints the exiftool command
--echo_only used to prevent the command execution
fdupes -rdN ./ # remove duplicates
rename "s/ //g" * # remove spaces
rename 'y/A-Z/a-z/' *.{jpg,jpeg,mp4,JPG,JPEG,MP4} # to lower case
rename 's/.jpeg/.jpg/' *.jpeg # jpeg to jpg # rename jpeg to jpg
Signal images
python ./ --echo_only --prefix signal- --format YYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm-ss-ccc --date_tags alldates FileModifyDate --input signal-2021-02-20-08-59-20-104.jpg
WhatsApp images
python ./ --echo_only --prefix IMG- --format YYYYMMDD-WAcccc --date_tags alldates FileModifyDate --input IMG-20190721-WA0002.jpg
WhatsApp video
python ./ --echo_only --prefix VID- --format YYYYMMDD-WAcccc --date_tags alldates FileModifyDate --input VID-20190609-WA0019.mp4
Signal images
find . -name 's*.jpg' -exec python ./ --echo_only --prefix signal- --format YYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm-ss-ccc --date_tags alldates FileModifyDate --input {} \;
WhatsApp images
find . -name 'I*.jpg' -exec python ./ --echo_only --prefix IMG- --format YYYYMMDD-WAcccc --date_tags alldates FileModifyDate --input {} \;
WhatsApp video
find . -name 'V*.mp4' -exec python ./ --echo_only --prefix VID- --format YYYYMMDD-WAcccc --date_tags alldates FileModifyDate --input {} \;
fdupes -rdN ./ # remove duplicates
rename "s/ //g" * # remove spaces
rename 'y/A-Z/a-z/' *.{jpg,jpeg,mp4,JPG,JPEG,MP4} # to lower case
rename 's/.jpeg/.jpg/' *.jpeg # jpeg to jpg
exiftool -overwrite_original -Artist="Max M" -Copyright="Max M" -Author="Max M" *.{jpg,mp4}
exiftool signal-*.jpg '-FileName<CreateDate' -ext jpg -d "%Y-%m-%d--%H-%M-%S-%%-.c.%%e"
exiftool IMG-*.jpg '-FileName<CreateDate' -ext jpg -d "%Y-%m-%d--%H-%M-%S-%%-.c.%%e"
exiftool VID-*.mp4 '-FileName<CreateDate' -ext mp4 -d "%Y-%m-%d--%H-%M-%S-%%-.c.%%e"