Database initialization
get backup from s3 $ psql digiramp_development < /Users/synthmax/Documents/rails-projects/digiramp/digiramp-rails/PostgreSQL.sql
How to run the test suite
$ rake db:test:prepare $ cucumber
Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)
$ bundle exec sidekiq $ redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis.conf
* memcached brew install memcached
Deployment instructions
$ git push origin master $ cap production deploy
log the server
cap production “logs:tail” cap production “logs:tail” <<< IMPORTANT if there is problems cap production “logs:tail”
ssh [email protected] cd apps/digiramp_production/current bundle exec rails c -e production
Please feel free to use a different markup language if you do not plan to run rake doc:app
Test on localhost
$ rake RAILS_ENV=production assets:clean $ rake RAILS_ENV=production assets:precompile $ thin -e production start
############################ # SIDEKIQ
# find the pid ps -ef
# Check if sidekiq is running and for how long, It shoule restart after each deploy ssh [email protected] ps aux | grep sidekiq
to kill a process $ kill -9 PID
# restart DONT DO THIS $ ssh [email protected] $ cd apps/digiramp_production/current $ RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec sidekiq
# not sure working ssh [email protected]
sudo "../../etc/init.d/sidekiq_digiramp_production stop" sudo "../../etc/init.d/sidekiq_digiramp_production start"
# not sure it’s working bundle exec sidekiqctl quiet SIDEKIQ_PID
############################# Checking routes / find dead routes $ rake traceroute
ssh-add 74
############################# restore uploaded backup files from /digirampbackup/backups/backup_uploads
############################# DOCUMENTATION $ cd app $ sdoc
############################# NGROK running ngrok for test
$ cd /Applications; ./ngrok http 3000
hook: 22b821b0.ngrok.io/stripe-events
check in browser 2542d042.ngrok.com
for recuring payments developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/account/status
*************************** Amazon SNS
********************************* codeship –skip-c in deploy message to skip test
brew install icu4c
Opbeat.capture_message(“Not happy with the way things turned out”)
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec db:rollback
cap staging “logs:tail”======= RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec db:rollback
cap staging “logs:tail”
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec db:rollback>>>>>>> External Changes