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Refactor loadbalancer code to make it easily extensible
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Reduce code duplication between various loadbalancers
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thesiddharth committed Jul 8, 2015
1 parent 78c3652 commit 15d996e
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Showing 10 changed files with 346 additions and 390 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -38,6 +38,6 @@ object SystemClock extends Clock {
def getCurrentTimeMilliseconds = System.currentTimeMillis

object SystemClockComponent extends ClockComponent {
trait SystemClockComponent extends ClockComponent {
val clock = SystemClock
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import client.NetworkClientConfig
import common._
import norbertutils._
import network.client.ResponseHandler
import norbertutils.{Clock, SystemClock, SystemClockComponent}
import norbertutils.{Clock, SystemClock}
import java.util.{Map => JMap}
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.{AtomicInteger, AtomicLong}
import util.ProtoUtils
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ import netty.NettyPartitionedNetworkClient
import client.NetworkClientConfig
import cluster.{Node, ClusterDisconnectedException, InvalidClusterException, ClusterClientComponent}
import scala.util.Random
import java.util

object RoutingConfigs {
val defaultRoutingConfigs = new RoutingConfigs(false, false)
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ class PartitionedNetworkClientFactory[PartitionedId](clientName: String,
if(retryStrategy == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Retry strategy needs to be provided if you enable selective retry")
config.retryStrategy = Some(retryStrategy)
config.retryStrategy = Some(retryStrategy)
val partitionedNetworkClient = PartitionedNetworkClient(config, partitionedLoadBalancerFactory)

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Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,18 +21,12 @@ package loadbalancer
import cluster.{InvalidClusterException, Node}
import common.Endpoint
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.{AtomicBoolean, AtomicInteger}
import annotation.tailrec
import client.loadbalancer.LoadBalancerHelpers
import logging.Logging

* A mixin trait that provides functionality to help implement a hash based <code>Router</code>.
trait DefaultLoadBalancerHelper extends LoadBalancerHelpers with Logging {
* A mapping from partition id to the <code>Node</code>s which can service that partition.
protected val partitionToNodeMap: Map[Int, (IndexedSeq[Endpoint], AtomicInteger, Array[AtomicBoolean])]
trait DefaultLoadBalancerHelper extends PartitionedLoadBalancerHelpers with Logging {

* Given the currently available <code>Node</code>s and the total number of partitions in the cluster, this method
Expand All @@ -45,7 +39,7 @@ trait DefaultLoadBalancerHelper extends LoadBalancerHelpers with Logging {
* @throws InvalidClusterException thrown if every partition doesn't have at least one available <code>Node</code>
* assigned to it
protected def generatePartitionToNodeMap(nodes: Set[Endpoint], numPartitions: Int, serveRequestsIfPartitionMissing: Boolean): Map[Int, (IndexedSeq[Endpoint], AtomicInteger, Array[AtomicBoolean])] = {
def generatePartitionToNodeMap(nodes: Set[Endpoint], numPartitions: Int, serveRequestsIfPartitionMissing: Boolean): Map[Int, (IndexedSeq[Endpoint], AtomicInteger, Array[AtomicBoolean])] = {
val partitionToNodeMap = (for (n <- nodes; p <- n.node.partitionIds) yield(p, n)).foldLeft(Map.empty[Int, IndexedSeq[Endpoint]]) {
case (map, (partitionId, node)) => map + (partitionId -> (node +: map.get(partitionId).getOrElse(Vector.empty[Endpoint])))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -78,21 +72,20 @@ trait DefaultLoadBalancerHelper extends LoadBalancerHelpers with Logging {
* @return <code>Some</code> with the <code>Node</code> which can service the partition id, <code>None</code>
* if there are no available <code>Node</code>s for the partition requested
protected def nodeForPartition(partitionId: Int, capability: Option[Long] = None, persistentCapability: Option[Long] = None): Option[Node] = {
def nodeForPartition(partitionId: Int, capability: Option[Long] = None, persistentCapability: Option[Long] = None): Option[Node] = {
partitionToNodeMap.get(partitionId) match {
case None =>
return None
case Some((endpoints, counter, states)) =>
import math._
val es = endpoints.size
counter.compareAndSet(java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0)
val idx = counter.getAndIncrement
var i = idx
var loopCount = 0
do {
val endpoint = endpoints(i % es)
if(endpoint.canServeRequests && endpoint.node.isCapableOf(capability, persistentCapability)) {
compensateCounter(idx, loopCount, counter);
if(isEndpointViable(capability, persistentCapability, endpoint)) {
compensateCounter(idx, loopCount, counter)
return Some(endpoint.node)

Expand All @@ -101,16 +94,12 @@ trait DefaultLoadBalancerHelper extends LoadBalancerHelpers with Logging {
loopCount = loopCount + 1
} while (loopCount <= es)

compensateCounter(idx, loopCount, counter);
return Some(endpoints(idx % es).node)
compensateCounter(idx, loopCount, counter)
Some(endpoints(idx % es).node)

def compensateCounter(idx: Int, count:Int, counter:AtomicInteger) {
if (idx + 1 + count <= 0) {
// Integer overflow
counter.set(idx + 1 - java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE + count)
counter.set(idx + 1 + count)
def isEndpointViable(capability: Option[Long], persistentCapability: Option[Long], endpoint: Endpoint): Boolean = {
endpoint.canServeRequests && endpoint.node.isCapableOf(capability, persistentCapability)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,138 +22,15 @@ import logging.Logging
import cluster.{Node, InvalidClusterException}
import common.Endpoint
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.{AtomicBoolean, AtomicInteger}
import scala.util.Random
import scala.util.control.Breaks._

* This class is intended for applications where there is a mapping from partitions -> servers able to respond to those requests. Requests are round-robined
* between the partitions
abstract class DefaultPartitionedLoadBalancerFactory[PartitionedId](numPartitions: Int, serveRequestsIfPartitionMissing: Boolean = true) extends PartitionedLoadBalancerFactory[PartitionedId] with Logging {
def newLoadBalancer(endpoints: Set[Endpoint]): PartitionedLoadBalancer[PartitionedId] = new PartitionedLoadBalancer[PartitionedId] with DefaultLoadBalancerHelper {
val partitionToNodeMap = generatePartitionToNodeMap(endpoints, numPartitions, serveRequestsIfPartitionMissing)

val setCoverCounter = new AtomicInteger(0)

def nextNode(id: PartitionedId, capability: Option[Long] = None, persistentCapability: Option[Long] = None) = nodeForPartition(partitionForId(id), capability, persistentCapability)

def nodesForPartitionedId(id: PartitionedId, capability: Option[Long] = None, persistentCapability: Option[Long] = None) = {
partitionToNodeMap.getOrElse(partitionForId(id), (Vector.empty[Endpoint], new AtomicInteger(0), new Array[AtomicBoolean](0)))._1.filter(_.node.isCapableOf(capability, persistentCapability))
{ (endpoint: Endpoint) => endpoint.node }

def nodesForOneReplica(id: PartitionedId, capability: Option[Long] = None, persistentCapability: Option[Long] = None) = {
nodesForPartitions(id, partitionToNodeMap, capability, persistentCapability)

def nodesForPartitions(id: PartitionedId, partitions: Set[Int], capability: Option[Long] = None, persistentCapability: Option[Long] = None) = {
nodesForPartitions(id, partitionToNodeMap.filterKeys(partitions contains _), capability, persistentCapability)

def nodesForPartitions(id: PartitionedId, partitionToNodeMap: Map[Int, (IndexedSeq[Endpoint], AtomicInteger, Array[AtomicBoolean])], capability: Option[Long], persistentCapability: Option[Long]) = {
partitionToNodeMap.keys.foldLeft(Map.empty[Node, Set[Int]]) { (map, partition) =>
val nodeOption = nodeForPartition(partition, capability, persistentCapability)
if(nodeOption.isDefined) {
val n = nodeOption.get
map + (n -> (map.getOrElse(n, Set.empty[Int]) + partition))
} else if(serveRequestsIfPartitionMissing) {
log.warn("Partition %s is unavailable, attempting to continue serving requests to other partitions.".format(partition))
} else
throw new InvalidClusterException("Partition %s is unavailable, cannot serve requests.".format(partition))

* Use greedy set cover to minimize the nodes that serve the requested partitioned Ids
* @param partitionedIds
* @param capability
* @param persistentCapability
* @return
override def nodesForPartitionedIds(partitionedIds: Set[PartitionedId], capability: Option[Long], persistentCapability: Option[Long] = None) = {

// calculates partition Ids from the set of partitioned Ids
val partitionsMap = partitionedIds.foldLeft(Map.empty[Int, Set[PartitionedId]])
{ case (map, id) =>
val partition = partitionForId(id)
map + (partition -> (map.getOrElse(partition, Set.empty[PartitionedId]) + id))

// set to be covered
var partitionIds = partitionsMap.keys.toSet[Int]
val res = collection.mutable.Map.empty[Node, collection.Set[Int]]

breakable {
while (!partitionIds.isEmpty) {
var intersect = Set.empty[Int]
var endpoint : Endpoint = null

// take one element in the set, locate only nodes that serving this partition
partitionToNodeMap.get(partitionIds.head) match {
case None =>
case Some((endpoints, counter, states)) =>
import math._
val es = endpoints.size
counter.compareAndSet(java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0)
val idx = counter.getAndIncrement % es
var i = idx

// This is a modified version of greedy set cover algorithm, instead of finding the node that covers most of
// the partitionIds set, we only check it across nodes that serving the selected partition. This guarantees
// we will pick a node at least cover 1 more partition, but also in case of multiple replicas of partitions,
// this helps to locate nodes long to the same replica.
breakable {
do {
val ep = endpoints(i)

// perform intersection between the set to be covered and the set the node is covering
val s = ep.node.partitionIds intersect partitionIds

// record the largest intersect
if (s.size > intersect.size && ep.canServeRequests && ep.node.isCapableOf(capability, persistentCapability))
intersect = s
endpoint = ep
if (partitionIds.size == s.size)
i = (i+1 ) % es
} while(i != idx)

if (endpoint == null)
if (serveRequestsIfPartitionMissing)
intersect = intersect + partitionIds.head
throw new NoNodesAvailableException("Unable to satisfy request, no node available for partition Id %s".format(partitionIds.head))
} else
res += (endpoint.node -> intersect)

// remove covered set; remove the node providing that coverage
partitionIds = ( partitionIds -- intersect)

res.foldLeft(Map.empty[Node, Set[PartitionedId]]) {
case (map, (n, pIds)) =>
map + (n -> pIds.foldLeft(Set.empty[PartitionedId]) {
case (s, pId) =>
s ++ partitionsMap.getOrElse(pId, Set.empty[PartitionedId])

override def newLoadBalancer(endpoints: Set[Endpoint]): PartitionedLoadBalancer[PartitionedId] = DefaultPartitionedLoadBalancer(endpoints, partitionForId, numPartitions, serveRequestsIfPartitionMissing)
* Calculates the id of the partition on which the specified <code>Id</code> resides.
Expand All @@ -178,3 +55,139 @@ abstract class DefaultPartitionedLoadBalancerFactory[PartitionedId](numPartition
def getNumPartitions(endpoints: Set[Endpoint]): Int


object DefaultPartitionedLoadBalancer {

def apply[PartitionedId](endpoints: Set[Endpoint], partitionForId: PartitionedId => Int, numPartitions: Int, serveRequestsIfPartitionMissing: Boolean) = {

//generatePartitionToNodeMap requires the Logging constructor to be called, and so must be evaluated lazily.
new DefaultPartitionedLoadBalancer[PartitionedId](endpoints, partitionForId, numPartitions, serveRequestsIfPartitionMissing) with DefaultLoadBalancerHelper {
val partitionToNodeMap = generatePartitionToNodeMap(endpoints, numPartitions, serveRequestsIfPartitionMissing)

abstract class DefaultPartitionedLoadBalancer[PartitionedId](endpoints: Set[Endpoint], partitionForId: PartitionedId => Int, numPartitions: Int, serveRequestsIfPartitionMissing: Boolean) extends PartitionedLoadBalancer[PartitionedId] {

this: PartitionedLoadBalancerHelpers with Logging =>

def nextNode(id: PartitionedId, capability: Option[Long] = None, persistentCapability: Option[Long] = None) = nodeForPartition(partitionForId(id), capability, persistentCapability)

def nodesForPartitionedId(id: PartitionedId, capability: Option[Long] = None, persistentCapability: Option[Long] = None) = {
partitionToNodeMap.getOrElse(partitionForId(id), (Vector.empty[Endpoint], new AtomicInteger(0), new Array[AtomicBoolean](0)))._1.filter(_.node.isCapableOf(capability, persistentCapability))
{ (endpoint: Endpoint) => endpoint.node }

def nodesForOneReplica(id: PartitionedId, capability: Option[Long] = None, persistentCapability: Option[Long] = None) = {
nodesForPartitions(id, partitionToNodeMap, capability, persistentCapability)

def nodesForPartitions(id: PartitionedId, partitions: Set[Int], capability: Option[Long] = None, persistentCapability: Option[Long] = None) = {
nodesForPartitions(id, partitionToNodeMap.filterKeys(partitions contains _), capability, persistentCapability)

def nodesForPartitions(id: PartitionedId, partitionToNodeMap: Map[Int, (IndexedSeq[Endpoint], AtomicInteger, Array[AtomicBoolean])], capability: Option[Long], persistentCapability: Option[Long]) = {
partitionToNodeMap.keys.foldLeft(Map.empty[Node, Set[Int]]) { (map, partition) =>
val nodeOption = nodeForPartition(partition, capability, persistentCapability)
if(nodeOption.isDefined) {
val n = nodeOption.get
map + (n -> (map.getOrElse(n, Set.empty[Int]) + partition))
} else if(serveRequestsIfPartitionMissing) {
log.warn("Partition %s is unavailable, attempting to continue serving requests to other partitions.".format(partition))
} else
throw new InvalidClusterException("Partition %s is unavailable, cannot serve requests.".format(partition))

* Use greedy set cover to minimize the nodes that serve the requested partitioned Ids
* @param partitionedIds
* @param capability
* @param persistentCapability
* @return
override def nodesForPartitionedIds(partitionedIds: Set[PartitionedId], capability: Option[Long], persistentCapability: Option[Long] = None) = {

// calculates partition Ids from the set of partitioned Ids
val partitionsMap = partitionedIds.foldLeft(Map.empty[Int, Set[PartitionedId]])
{ case (map, id) =>
val partition = partitionForId(id)
map + (partition -> (map.getOrElse(partition, Set.empty[PartitionedId]) + id))

// set to be covered
var partitionIds = partitionsMap.keys.toSet[Int]
val res = collection.mutable.Map.empty[Node, collection.Set[Int]]

breakable {
while (!partitionIds.isEmpty) {
var intersect = Set.empty[Int]
var endpoint : Endpoint = null

// take one element in the set, locate only nodes that serving this partition
partitionToNodeMap.get(partitionIds.head) match {
case None =>
case Some((endpoints, counter, states)) =>
import math._
val es = endpoints.size
counter.compareAndSet(java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0)
val idx = counter.getAndIncrement % es
var i = idx

// This is a modified version of greedy set cover algorithm, instead of finding the node that covers most of
// the partitionIds set, we only check it across nodes that serving the selected partition. This guarantees
// we will pick a node at least cover 1 more partition, but also in case of multiple replicas of partitions,
// this helps to locate nodes long to the same replica.
breakable {
do {
val ep = endpoints(i)

// perform intersection between the set to be covered and the set the node is covering
val s = ep.node.partitionIds intersect partitionIds

// record the largest intersect
if (s.size > intersect.size && isEndpointViable(capability, persistentCapability, ep))
intersect = s
endpoint = ep
if (partitionIds.size == s.size)
i = (i+1 ) % es
} while(i != idx)

if (endpoint == null)
if (serveRequestsIfPartitionMissing)
intersect = intersect + partitionIds.head
throw new NoNodesAvailableException("Unable to satisfy request, no node available for partition Id %s".format(partitionIds.head))
} else
res += (endpoint.node -> intersect)

// remove covered set; remove the node providing that coverage
partitionIds = (partitionIds -- intersect)

res.foldLeft(Map.empty[Node, Set[PartitionedId]]) {
case (map, (n, pIds)) =>
map + (n -> pIds.foldLeft(Set.empty[PartitionedId]) {
case (s, pId) =>
s ++ partitionsMap.getOrElse(pId, Set.empty[PartitionedId])


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