Ruby PubSub pattern for objects. Allows to coordinate object (publisher/subscriber) communication.
Support multithread pulisher/subscriber
Contains message queue and dispatcher.
Dispatcher work in main thread and sleep when message queue is empty
Using pubsub is simple
require 'rubygems' require 'ruby_events'
Include pubsub module into class
class MyPublischer include PubSub end
Run message queue dispatcher
Message in channel with subchannels (include ‘/’) sending throw all subchannels, e.g. for channel ‘system/info’ message sending to subsribers of channel ‘system/info’, subchannel ‘system’ and global channel ‘*’
Unsubscribe from all channels use unsubscribe method without params.
class MyPublischer include PubSub def initialize subscribe "system/info", :log_info subscribe "system/signout", :destroy end def destroy unsubscribe end end
Unsubscribe all listeners from one channel use unsubscribe method with channel name
class TextLogger include PubSub def initialize subscribe "system/info", :log_info end def log_info #log to text file end end class ConsoleLogger include PubSub def initialize subscribe "system/info", :log_info end def log_info #log to console end end class LoggerManager include PubSub def unsubscribe_all_logger unsubscribe "system/info" end end
Unsubscribe one listener from one channel use unsubscribe method with channel name and listener
class MyPublisher include PubSub def initialize subscribe "system/info", :log_info end def destroy unsubscribe "system/info", :log_info end end
Create object and subscribe it to channel “system/info”
class SystemLogger include PubSub def initialize subscribe "system/info", :log_info end def destroy unsubscribe end def log_info(message) puts message # stop pubsub dispatcher PubSub.stop end end class Publisher include PubSub def say_hello publish "system/info", "Hello world!" end end publisher = publisher.say_hello # run pubsub dispatcher
gem install pubsub
Copyright © 2011 Max Kazarin. See LICENSE.txt for further details.