#CMPE-275 Project - TAGIT
- Mayur Jain, [email protected], (009991059)
- Harkirat Singh, [email protected], (010027823)
- Akanksha Singh, [email protected], (010030839)
- Deep Trivedi, [email protected], (010028252)
- Cherisha Choukse, [email protected], (010114845)
- Spring Boot via Spring Data JPA annotations and Hibernate ORM
- Spring AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming)
- Spring Transactions Management
- Javascript, Angular.js, HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap
- Bower (Frontend package management)
- Mysql Database
- Java 8
- Maven 3
- Mysql
- Node.js and NPM
- Bower
Clone project from github:-
git clone https://github.com/mayurj07/TagIt.git
Install Maven:-
Go on the project's root folder, then type:-
cd TagIt/
apt-cache search maven
sudo apt-get install maven
Import Database schema for Mysql:-
Inside Mysql terminal:
source tagit-schema
After making sure that you have npm installed:-
4.1 Install Bower:
$ `npm install -g bower`
4.2 Install Bower dependencies:
$ `bower install`
Run the startup script:-
chmod 777 startup.sh
Import as Existing Maven Project and run it as Spring Boot App.
Run the application using startup.sh script and go on http://localhost:8080/