RapidFuzz Public
Forked from rapidfuzz/RapidFuzzRapid fuzzy string matching in Python using various string metrics
C++ MIT License UpdatedDec 11, 2022 -
fastapi-filter Public
Forked from arthurio/fastapi-filterFilter and order your endpoints
Python MIT License UpdatedOct 20, 2022 -
wemake-django-template Public
Forked from wemake-services/wemake-django-templateBleeding edge django template focused on code quality and security.
Python MIT License UpdatedJul 18, 2022 -
kira-release Public
Forked from wemake-services/kira-release🐿️ Kira's micro-bot to release your code and track changes
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMay 25, 2022 -
wemake-python-styleguide Public
Forked from wemake-services/wemake-python-styleguideThe strictest and most opinionated python linter ever!
Python MIT License UpdatedMar 13, 2022 -
flask-sqlalchemy Public
Forked from pallets-eco/flask-sqlalchemyAdds SQLAlchemy support to Flask
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedMar 1, 2022 -
securityheaders Public
Forked from koenbuyens/securityheadersCheck any website (or set of websites) for insecure security headers.
wafw00f Public
Forked from EnableSecurity/wafw00fWAFW00F allows one to identify and fingerprint Web Application Firewall (WAF) products protecting a website.
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedMar 25, 2021 -
django-cache-memoize Public
Forked from peterbe/django-cache-memoizeDjango utility for a memoization decorator that uses the Django cache framework.
Python Mozilla Public License 2.0 UpdatedOct 31, 2020 -
frontend Public
Forked from kodilan-com/frontendFrontend codebase of kodilan.com
CSS GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 UpdatedOct 31, 2020 -
drf_dynamics Public
Forked from imbokov/drf_dynamicsDynamic queryset and serializer setup for Django REST Framework
django-1 Public
Forked from kodilan-com/djangoKodilan.com Backend (Django tutorial project. We don't use it on production)
django-safedelete Public
Forked from makinacorpus/django-safedeleteMask your objects instead of deleting them from your database.
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedMay 14, 2020 -
vue-async-component-example Public
Vuejs example how can you write async component wrapper.
pendulum Public
Forked from python-pendulum/pendulumPython datetimes made easy
Python MIT License UpdatedMar 6, 2020 -
python-tricks Public
Pythonic world - Python 3.x
vue2-dual-select Public
Vue2 Dual Select https://mazlum.github.io/projects/vue2-dual-select/index.html
django-forceauth Public
Forked from mdisec/django-forceauthA Django package that force authentication requirement by default on every single endpoint.
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedSep 8, 2019 -
django-rest-serializer-field-permissions Public
Forked from InterSIS/django-rest-serializer-field-permissionsField-by-field serializer permissions for Django Rest Framework.
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJul 15, 2019 -
docker-django-hello-world Public
django Public
Forked from django/djangoThe Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedAug 16, 2018 -
Python 3 metaprogramming code snippets from http://pyvideo.org/pycon-us-2013/python-3-metaprogramming.html
PiSavar Public
Forked from WiPi-Hunter/PiSavar📡 🍍Detects PineAP module and starts deauthentication attack (for fake access points)
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedAug 19, 2017 -
rhymer Public
Forked from om3rcitak/rhymerFind the similar keywords and make rhyme!
firregular Public
a simple application that allow to find infinitive, simple past and past participle forms of irregular verbs.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 22, 2017 -
django-http-security-headers Public
Django settings that configured with http security headers
Akademik Bilişim - Web Uygulama Güvenliği ve Güvenli Kod Geliştirme eğitim içeriği
django-get-autologin Public
django-get-autologin is a simple Django app to login with GET request type that it use Token parameter.