Begin by installing this package through Composer. Just run following command to terminal-
composer require greatsami/paytabs-laravel
Once this operation completes, the final step is to add the service provider. Open config/app.php, and add a new item to the providers array.
'providers' => [
Now add the alias.
'aliases' => [
'Paytabs' => Greatsami\Paytabs\Facades\PaytabsFacade::class,
Route::get('/paytabs_payment', function () {
$pt = Paytabs::getInstance("MERCHANT_EMAIL", "SECRET_KEY");
$result = $pt->create_pay_page(array(
"merchant_email" => "MERCHANT_EMAIL",
'secret_key' => "SECRET_KEY",
'title' => "John Doe",
'cc_first_name' => "John",
'cc_last_name' => "Doe",
'email' => "[email protected]",
'cc_phone_number' => "973",
'phone_number' => "33333333",
'billing_address' => "Juffair, Manama, Bahrain",
'city' => "Manama",
'state' => "Capital",
'postal_code' => "97300",
'country' => "BHR",
'address_shipping' => "Juffair, Manama, Bahrain",
'city_shipping' => "Manama",
'state_shipping' => "Capital",
'postal_code_shipping' => "97300",
'country_shipping' => "BHR",
"products_per_title"=> "Mobile Phone",
'currency' => "BHD",
"unit_price"=> "10",
'quantity' => "1",
'other_charges' => "0",
'amount' => "10.00",
"msg_lang" => "english",
"reference_no" => "1231231",
"site_url" => "",
'return_url' => "",
"cms_with_version" => "API USING PHP"
if($result->response_code == 4012){
return redirect($result->payment_url);
return $result->result;
Route::post('/paytabs_response', function(Request $request){
$pt = Paytabs::getInstance("MERCHANT_EMAIL", "SECRET_KEY");
$result = $pt->verify_payment($request->payment_reference);
if($result->response_code == 100){
// Payment Success
return $result->result;
you will need to exclude your paytabs_response route from CSRF protection