This project aims to predict future hourly temperatures using past weather data.
Raw weather data is extracted from CWB Observation Data Inquire System. The crawler locates at nn/data/
, where crawl(startDate, endDate, path)
is used to get .csv
files of hourly weather data for the given time interval. For instance:
crawlCSV((2010, 1, 1), (2018, 12, 31), 'raw.csv')
To get numpy arrays, one can call getXY(path, inputHrs, hrsAfter, features)
in nn/data/
, where
specifies the path to a.csv
specifies how many hours are used as input featureshrsAfter
specifies how many hours later to predict after the last input hourfeatures
specifies the features used for each hour
For instance,
x, y = getXY('data/raw.csv', inputHrs=72, hrsAfter=24, features=['Temperature','StnPres'])
returns numpy arrays x, y
with shape (N, 72, 2), (N, )
, respectively. N
is the amount of data.
For XGBoost, data preprocessing is in xgboost/
. Use
from_2010(path, tag, train_hour, max_train_hour, pred_hour)
to get raw features e.g. temperature (tag
is the column index). Use
get_time(path, max_hour, pred_hour)
to get normalized date and time, where date is divided by 366, time is devided by 24.
In ./nn/
, each .py
file represents a model. For instance, one can call CNNmodel(xtrain, ytrain)
in ./nn/
to train the model. Models may have different shapes of xtrain
. See ./nn/*.py
for details. Note that, after training is done, only loss history is reported. The best model is saved to ./nn/models/
with ModelCheckpoint and EarlyStopping. Use m = load_model(path)
to get the trained model. Below are models that have been tested.
- CNNmodel: Basic CNN without pooling. Only Temperature is used as the input feature.
- CNNmodel_v2: CNN with 3 input feature (stored in 3 channels): Temperature, Td dew point and StnPres.
- CNNconcatFeature: The same as CNNmodel_v2, but the 3 features are concatenated.
- CNNsepFeature: The same as CNNmodel_v2, but the 3 features are submitted to 3 individual CNNs (see Figure (a)).
- CNNwithMonth: Only Temperature is submitted to a CNN. Circularly encoded month is concatenated after the CNN (see in figure (b)).
- LSTMmodel: LSTM with Temperature as the input feature.
- TrivialModel: This model just outputs the last input Temperature, just for comparison with other models.
(a) CNNsepFeature | (b) CNNwithMonth |
For XGBoost (see ./xgboost/
- The features may be raw or normalized.
- Cross validation and testing for each year.
- The features underwent PCA.
- Tune parameters for raw/normalized features.
- Tune parameters for PCA features.
We used mean-absolute-error (MAE) in degrees Celsius as the metric to evaluate models. Below are the performance:
Model | MAE |
TrivialModel | 1.920 |
CNNmodel | 1.398 |
CNNmodel_v2 | 1.402 |
CNNwithMonth | 1.350 |
CNNconcatFeature | 1.399 |
CNNsepFeature | 1.444 |
LSTM | 1.414 |
Some additional weather features, such as pressure and humidity (CNNsep), but temperature is still the most dominent feature. Adding month as a feature slightly improved the model (CNNwithMonth). Our models performed particularly bad between winter and spring as shwon in the plot below. The error in the first few months are relatively high.