pg_sync_standby is a tool used to synchronize a postgres standby server with a master server using streaming replication.
It can be used to inizialize a new standby or to re-sync a standby that, for any reason, is no more in sync with master (for example if standby cannot catch required archives with restore command because they are already removed).
- Postgresql >= 9.0
- psql
- rsync
- lsof
pg_sync_standby has the following options:
[mbona92@arch pg_sync_standby]$ ./pg_sync_standby --help
pg_sync_standby [OPTION]
-c configuration file (default: pg_sync_standby.conf)
-v set verbose output in rsync
-L log file
-l set backup label
-e specify file containing dir or files to exclude from rsync
-f fast checkpoint
-o rsync options. Must be specified within double quotes
-r specify recovery.conf file to copy within data directory
-j use this many parallel jobs to rsync
--bwlimit specify bandwith limit according to the same option of rsync
--start-slave start database when sync finish
--stop-slave stop slave database
--start-cmd commad or bash script used to start slave. Must be specified within double quotes if contains spaces
--stop-cmd commad or bash script used to stop slave. Must be specified within double quotes if contains spaces
--conf-dir directory used to save configuration file. Must not be inside pgdata or tablespace
--empty-slave-dirs remove slave pgdata and datafile before start sync
--new-config-file generate new configuration file with specified name (default: pg_sync_standby.conf)
--help display this help
Master pg connection options:
-d connect to master database name
-h master database server host or socket directory
-p master database server port number
-u connect as specified master database user
Slave pg connection options:
-D connect to slave database name
-H slave database server host or socket directory
-P slave database server port number
-U connect as specified slave database user
Master ssh connection options:
--host hostname or ip address for ssh connection to master database host
--user username for ssh connection to primary master host
# Master connection options
# Slave connection options
# Sync options
# Other options
backup_label= # Label passed to pg_start_backup() function
stop_slave= # Stop slave before start sync
start_slave= # Automatically start slave after sync is completed
start_cmd= # Command or bash script used to start slave
stop_cmd= # Command or bash script used to stop slave
fast_checkpoint= # Force checkpoint as soon as possible in pg_start_backup()
bck_config_dir= # Backup slave configuration file if it is started before start process
remove_slave_datafile= # Remove slave datafile before begin rsync
recovery_file= # Specify a recovery.conf file to be used
max_jobs= # Use this many parallel jobs to rsync
[postgres@pgslave ~]$ /opt/postgres/bin/pg_sync_standby/pg_sync_standby -c pg_sync_standby.conf -j 4 --conf-dir /var/lib/psql/pgconf
INFO: Backing up configuration files...
INFO: Stopping slave database...
INFO: Executing pg_start_backup on master database...
INFO: /var/lib/pgsql/12/data successfully synced!
INFO: /var/lib/pgsql/tbs/data successfully synced!
INFO: /var/lib/pgsql/tbs/indexes successfully synced!
INFO: /var/lib/pgsql/tbs/data2 successfully synced!
INFO: /var/lib/pgsql/tbs/data3 successfully synced!
INFO: /var/lib/pgsql/tbs/data4 successfully synced!
INFO: /var/lib/pgsql/tbs/data5 successfully synced!
INFO: Executing pg_stop_backup on master database...
INFO: Restoring configuration files from /var/lib/psql/pgconf/...
INFO: Starting slave database...