v 3.9.6 06.Jul.2017 18:35
Author Andrew Berezin http://eCommerce-Service.com
Thanks Special thanks to DivaVocals for the quality of the readme.
This Script generates a Sitemap as described here: http://www.sitemaps.org/ http://support.google.com/webmasters/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=156184&topic=8476&ctx=topic
1.3.8, 1.3.9x, 1.5.5, 1.5.6
Yes (creates new records into configuration_group, configuration and admin_pages tables).
Installation of this contribution is done at your own risk. Backup your ZenCart database and any and all applicable files before proceeding.
- supports Search-Engine Safe URLs (including MagicSeo)
- could be accessed by http or command line
- autogenerates multiple sitemaps for sites with over 50.000 URLs
- autogenerates multiple sitemaps if filesize exceeded 10MB
- writes files compressed or uncompressed (You can use the gzip feature or compress your Sitemap files using gzip)
- using index.php wrapper - http://domain.com/index.php?main_page=sitemapxml
- using languages file and etc.
- auto-notify Google and other SE.
- generation of a sitemap index file
- generation of xml-sitemaps for (separate files):
- Products with images (supports multilangual products, support hideCategories)
- Categories with images (supports multilangual categories, support hideCategories)
- Manufacturers with images
- Main (Home) page
- Reviews
- EZ-pages
- multi-language support,
- 'EZ pages rel=nofollow attribute' support (http://www.zen-cart.com/index.php?main_page=product_contrib_info&products_id=944),
- 'date_added'/'last_modified' support,
- check internal links ('alt_url') by "noindex" rule (main_page in ROBOTS_PAGES_TO_SKIP),
- toc_chapter proccessing
- Testimonial Manager http://www.zen-cart.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=299
- News Box Manager http://www.zen-cart.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=147
- News and Article Manager & Optional Sideboxes http://www.zen-cart.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=791
- Product reviews page
If the products, categories, reviews have not changed since the last generation (time creation corresponding xml-sitemap file), a new xml-sitemap file not created (using existing xml-sitemap).
Priority is calculated on the basis of the positions in the selection from the database, ie the operator ORDER BY in the sql query. First item have priority=1.00, last=0.10. So can no longer be situations where all items in the file have the same priority.
- Products - ORDER BY p.products_sort_order ASC, last_date DESC
- Categories - ORDER BY c.sort_order ASC, last_date DESC
- Reviews - ORDER BY r.reviews_rating ASC, last_date DESC
- EZ-pages - ORDER BY p.sidebox_sort_order ASC, last_date DESC
- Testimonials - ORDER BY last_date DESC
- Box News - ORDER BY last_date DESC
ping=yes - Pinging Search Engine Systems.
inline=yes - output file sitemapindex.xml. In Google Webmaster Tools you can define your "Sitemap URL": http://your_domain/index.php?main_page=sitemapxml&inline=yes And every time Google will get index.php?main_page=sitemapxml he will receive a fresh sitemapindex.xml.
genxml=no - don't generate xml-files.
rebuild=yes - force rebuild all sitemap*.xml files.
Comments and suggestions are welcome. If you need any more sitemaps (faq, news, etc) you may ask me, but I will do only if it matches with my interests.
- BACK UP your database & store.
- Unzip the SitemapXML package to your local hard drive, retaining the folder structure.
- Rename the "YOUR_Admin" folder in the "sitemapXML" folder to match the name of your admin folder. sitemapXML/YOUR_Admin/
- Upload the files from "sitemapXML" to the root of your store. (DO NOT upload the "sitemapXML" folder, just the CONTENTS of this folder (copy ALL of the add-on files to your store!! Most issues are caused by store owners who decide to NOT load ALL of the module files)
- Set permissions on the directory /sitemap/ to 777.
- Go to Admin -> Configuration -> Sitemap XML and setup all parameters.
- Go to Admin -> Tools -> Sitemap XML (If error messages occur, change permissions on the XML files to 777).
- To have this update and automatically notify Google, you will need to set up a Cron job via your host's control panel.
- For Zen-Cart version 1.3.9f and earlier. Edit file includes/.htaccess: Find <FilesMatch "..(js|JS|css|CSS|jpg|JPG|gif|GIF|png|PNG|swf|SWF)$"> Replace by <FilesMatch "..(js|JS|css|CSS|jpg|JPG|gif|GIF|png|PNG|swf|SWF|xsl|XSL)$">
- BACK UP your database & store.
- Unzip the SitemapXML package to your local hard drive, retaining the folder structure.
- Rename the "YOUR_Admin" folder in the "sitemapXML" folder to match the name of your admin folder. sitemapXML/YOUR_Admin/
- Upload the files from "sitemapXML" to the root of your store. (DO NOT upload the "sitemapXML" folder, just the CONTENTS of this folder (copy ALL of the add-on files to your store!! Most issues are caused by store owners who decide to NOT load ALL of the module files)
Deleting OLD copies of this mod (circa 1.3.8 - such as version 2.1.0, which was around for a number of years)
a) Delete the following files from your admin directory:
- ./includes/boxes/extra_boxes/googlesitemap_tools_dhtml.php
- ./includes/extra_datafiles/googlesitemap.php
- ./includes/languages/english/googlesitemap.php
- ./includes/languages/english/extra_definitions/googlesitemap.php
- ./includes/languages/italian/extra_definitions/googlesitemap.php
- ./includes/languages/italian/googlesitemap.php
- ./includes/languages/russian/googlesitemap.php
- ./includes/languages/russian/extra_definitions/googlesitemap.php
- ./googlesitemap.php
b) Run the following SQL in admin->tools->install SQL Patches:
- SET @configuration_group_id=0;
- SELECT (@configuration_group_id:=configuration_group_id) FROM configuration_group WHERE configuration_group_title= 'Google XML Sitemap' LIMIT 1;
- DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_group_id = @configuration_group_id AND configuration_group_id != 0;
- DELETE FROM configuration_group WHERE configuration_group_id = @configuration_group_id AND configuration_group_id != 0;
- Go to Admin -> Tools -> Sitemap XML and click "Un-Install SitemapXML SQL".
- Delete all files that were copied from the installation package.
v 2.0.0 02.02.2009 19:21 - Initial version
v 2.1.0 30.04.2009 10:35 - Lot of changes and bug fixed
v 3.0.2 11.08.2011 16:14 - Lot of changes and bug fixed, Zen-Cart 1.5.0 Support, MagicSeo Support
v 3.0.3 27.08.2011 13:11 - Small bug fix, delete Zen-Cart 1.5.0 Autoinstall
v 3.0.4 30.09.2011 14:58 - Code cleaning, Readme corrected, Small bug fix, Zen-Cart 1.5.0 compliant - replace admin $_GET by $_POST
v 3.0.5 02.12.2011 02:11 - Support Box News module, cleaning
v 3.1.0 14.12.2011 13:32 - Code cleaning, Readme corrected, Small bug fix, Replace Configuration parameter 'Generate language for default language' by 'Using parameter language in links', Modified algorithm for processing multi-language links Add Sitemap Files List to admin
v 3.2.2 07.05.2012 19:12 - Bug fixes Traditional code cleaning Correct MagicSeo Support Truncate additional multi files Add sitemapXML simple file manager Add 'Start Security Token' Rename sitemapxml_homepage.php to sitemapxml_mainpage.php Add image sitemap support http://support.google.com/webmasters/bin/answer.py?answer=178636 for products, categories, manufacturers
v 3.2.4 28.05.2012 13:38 - Bug fixes Add parameter "Check Dublicates" Add parameter "Sitemap directory"
v 3.2.5 31.05.2012 14:52 - Add parameter "Use cPath parameter in products url". Coordinate this value with the value of variable $includeCPath in file init_canonical.php
v 3.2.6 17.06.2012 16:13 - Bug fixes Rewrite gss.xls
v 3.2.7 24.09.2012 13:23 - ReadMe editing - thanks to Scott C Wilson aka swguy (http://www.zen-cart.com/member.php?22320-swguy) Products additional images sitemap support Bug fix 'inline=yes'
v 3.2.8 24.01.2013 18:10 - Add url encoded for RFC 3986 compatibility.
v 3.2.9 24.02.2013 13:48 - Bug fixes Delete xml validations Delete absolute path from information message
v 3.2.10 22.04.2013 8:15 - Add confirm() to delete/truncate
v 3.2.12 19.09.2013 8:06 - Replace absolute path to .xsl
v 3.3.1 31.01.2015 16:27 - Bug fixes Add Product reviews pages Add plugin control
v 3.6.0 26.04.2016 10:33 - Bug fixes
v 3.7.0 07.07.2016 11:25 - Add configuration parameter for categories paging
v 3.8.0 07.07.2016 12:39 - Code Review. Thanks to steve aka torvista
v 3.9.1 29.08.2016 18:56 - Add auto installer. Thanks to Frank Riegel aka frank18
v 3.9.2 09.11.2016 13:37 - Bug fixes (Select plugins)
v 3.9.3 16.04.2017 18:35 - Auto installer Bug fixes
v 3.9.4 17.04.2017 14:27 - Another Auto installer Bug fixes
v 3.9.5 17.04.2017 15:55 - Add configuration multilanguage support
v 3.9.6 06.07.2019 13:33 - Arrange for PHP 7.3, incorporate fixes posted to forum, incorporate fix for responsive_classic, refactored various code. Addressed strict php notifications