Data collection, analysis and regression of luxury hand bag prices
Kaggle Competition - Analysis and prediction of PUBG players' finishing placement based on their final stats
smarter_environments Public
Forked from arupiot/smarter_environmentsMy research work for "Smarter Environments", a collaboration between ARUP IoT and USC - Occupancy prediction and profiling / Laptop usage prediction and profiling
Python UpdatedAug 24, 2018 -
Digital-Image-Processing Public
My works for EE 569 - Digital Image Processing - Spring 2018 - Graduate Coursework at USC - Dr. C.-C. Jay Kuo
My works for EE 511 - Simulation Methods For Stochastic Systems - Spring 2018 - Graduate Coursework at USC - Dr. Osonde A. Osoba
Bank-Marketing-Data-Analysis Public
Machine Learning/Pattern Recognition Models to analyze and predict if a client will subscribe for a term deposit given his/her marketing campaign related data