PiktoPuzzle is a nw.js (formerly node-webkit) based desktop app to help memorize details in pictures. It is especially useful for memorizing maps and scientific diagrams.
Project website: PiktoPuzzle
Double click the self extracting PiktoPuzzle.exe file to install the files, and click on nw.exe to launch the application.
- Add a map for annotation. Select a map from your desktop and add it to PiktoPuzzle.
![Add a map] (screenshots/add_blank.PNG?raw=true "Add a map")
- Adding a map loads a map at original size. (The map should be chosen to fit within screen constraints. For large maps, try resizing the image first)
![Map loaded] (screenshots/add_with_map.PNG?raw=true "Map loaded")
- Annotate the map: Using the sliders on the four sides of the map, select a region, and add the appropriate answer.
![Add item] (screenshots/add_item.PNG?raw=true "Add item") ![Item added] (screenshots/item_added.PNG?raw=true "Item added")
- Edit an existing map.
![Edit map] (screenshots/edit_map.PNG?raw=true "Edit map")
- Review an existing map
![Review map] (screenshots/review_map.PNG?raw=true "Review map")
- Select an item on the map to answer
![Review select item] (screenshots/review_select_item.PNG?raw=true "Review select item")
- Show hint (first selection reveals number of characters)
![Show hint] (screenshots/review_show_hint_num_characters.PNG?raw=true "Show Hint for displaying number of characters")
- Show hint (reveals random characters in the answer, but incurs a penalty for each hint)
![Show hint] (screenshots/review_show_hint_reveal_characters.PNG?raw=true "Show hint reveals characters")
- See all scores
![Scores] (screenshots/scores.PNG?raw=true "Scores")
- Frontpage displays all your maps
![Frontpage] (screenshots/front_page.PNG?raw=true "Frontpage")