This is a TCP eventbus bridge implementation. The protocol is quite simple:
- 4bytes int32 message length (big endian encoding)
- json string
- built-in keys
- type: (String, required) One of "send", "publish", "register", "unregister".
- headers: (Object, optional) Headers with JSON format. Value of string type is supported.
- body: (Object, optional) Message content in JSON format.
- address: (String, required) Destination address
- replyAddress: (String, optional) Address for replying to. If it's TcpEventBusBridge.REPLY_BACKTRACK, then it will reply back to the request end.
An example nodejs client is provided as an example using the same API as SockJS bridge e.g.:
var EventBus = require('tcp-vertx-eventbus');
var eb = new EventBus('localhost', 7000);
eb.onopen = function () {
// send a echo message
eb.send('echo', {value: 'vert.x'}, function (err, res) {