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FortWrap is a python script that parses Fortran 90/95/2003 source files and generates wrapper code for interfacing with the original Fortran code from C++. FortWrap is intended to be used with Fortran code that takes an object oriented approach and makes use of Fortran derived types. The resulting wrapper code provides a C++ interface that wraps the Fortran derived types with C++ "proxy classes".

Currently, FortWrap is targetted at the gfortran compiler, but the generated C++ code should work with any C++ compiler, including g++.


The wrapping approach is currently being reworked to use ISO_C_BINDING, making it portable for use with different compilers and eliminating current reliance on gfortran-specific ABI conventions. This work can be followed on the iso_c_binding branch, which includes a test suite that covers essentially the same feature set as the current release version.

Here is a preview of the ISO_C_BINDING wrapping. Start with a source function:

  SUBROUTINE set_string(o, s)
    TYPE (Object) :: o
    CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: s
  END SUBROUTINE set_string

FortWrap generates the following Fortran C binding wrapper:

  SUBROUTINE example__set_string_wrap(o, s, s_len__) BIND(C)
    TYPE(C_PTR), VALUE :: o
    TYPE(C_PTR), VALUE :: s
    INTEGER(C_SIZE_T), VALUE :: s_len__
    TYPE(Object), POINTER :: o__p
    CHARACTER(s_len__), POINTER :: s__p
    CALL C_F_POINTER(o, o__p)
    CALL C_F_POINTER(s, s__p)
    CALL set_string(o__p, s__p)
  END SUBROUTINE example__set_string_wrap

As well as the associated C prototype:

void example__set_string_wrap(void* o, const char* s, size_t s_len__);

And the following C++ method of the C++ proxy class (notice that the C++ code passes the actual string length "behind the scenes"):

void Object::set_string(const char* s) {
  int s_len__ = 0;
  if (s) s_len__ = strlen(s); // Protect Optional args
  example__set_string_wrap(data_ptr, s, s_len__);

Refer to the documentation and tests on the iso_c_binding branch for more information on this wrapping approach.


  • Fortran derived types wrapped in C++ proxy classes
  • Experimental support for polymorphism (CLASS variables)
  • Arrays wrapped with C++ vectors
  • Support for optional arguments
  • Support for wrapping procedure pointers
  • Support for string arguments
  • Fortran doxygen comments transferred to C++ header files
  • Name mangling support for gfortran compiler
  • Wrappers respect Fortran public/private statements
  • Generated code can be re-wrapped with swig -c++


Download Optionally, make it executable and place it in your PATH.

Running FortWrap is a standalone executable python script that may be run using either python [args] or [args]. Use -h to print usage information.


Refer to the documentation at docs/ The tests directory provides working examples of most of the main FortWrap features.

Running the tests

The easiest way to get started is to look at the simple test programs in the tests directory.

Before running the tests, make sure that gfortran is installed.
The root directory contains a python script to execute all tests. For each test, the script will change to the individual test directory, execute to generate wrapper code, execute make to compile and link a simple test program, and finally run the test program.

To manually run a test, first make sure the compiler specified in tests/ is valid. Then change to a test directory, for example, tests/arrays. Execute ../../ -g -d wrap to generate the C++ wrapper code (some tests, for example c_arrays, require different FortWrap options, which are defined in Then execute make to build the simple test program in that directory, prog.cpp.


The internals of FortWrap are in a stable state and have been used successfully to wrap very large Fortran projects (~40,000 lines of code). However, FortWrap is not intended to wrap all Fortran constructs. In particular, FortWrap is geared towards wrapping derived types and procedures that operate on them. FortWrap is not intended to wrap legacy code and should not be used with Fortran 77 code. For more details regarding the Fortran constructs that FortWrap is set up to wrap, refer to the documentation and the tests directory.


For simplicity, some of the examples below are not shown with derived types. When the first argument is not a derived type, FortWrap by default wraps the routine as a static method of the special "utility class" FortFuncs (this can be overriden with the --global option).

Derived Types

"ctor" procedures are wrapped as C++ constructors. Multiple constructors are supported. "dtor" procedures are automatically called by the C++ destructor. For example:


  TYPE Object
  END TYPE Object


  SUBROUTINE default_ctor(o,n)
    TYPE(Object) :: o
    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: n
  END SUBROUTINE default_ctor

  SUBROUTINE value_ctor(o,n,val)
    TYPE(Object) :: o
    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: n
    REAL, INTENT(in) :: val
    o%x = val
  END SUBROUTINE value_ctor

  SUBROUTINE object_dtor(o)
    TYPE(Object) :: o
  END SUBROUTINE object_dtor


will generate multiple constructors for the C++ class Object:

Object(int n);
Object(int n, float val);

The Fortran destructor object_dtor will automatically be called by the C++ destructor.


FUNCTION inner_prod(n,a,b) RESULT(y)
  INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: n, a(n), b(n)
  INTEGER :: y
  y = DOT_PRODUCT(a,b)
END FUNCTION inner_prod

generates a method of the "utility class" FortFuncs (the utility class is used to wrap functions that do not operate on a derived type):

static int inner_prod(const std::vector<int>* a, const std::vector<int>* b);

Optional Arguments

FUNCTION add_mixed(a,b,c,d) RESULT(y)
  INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: a,b
  INTEGER :: y
  y = a+b
  IF (PRESENT(c)) y = y + c
  IF (PRESENT(d)) y = y + d
END FUNCTION add_mixed

generates the following method:

static int add_mixed(int a, int b, const int* c=NULL, const int* d=NULL);

Note that a and b use pass-by-value since they are not optional. The optional arguments c and d use pass-by-reference. Passing NULL (which is the default) indicates that the argument is not provided.

These wrappers are particularly powerful when using swig with -c++ -keyword, since the optional parameters can then be passed by keyword in the target language

Known Issues

  • Scalar character arguments not wrapped correctly (generated code won't compile)
  • Old-style dummy argument definitions that do not include :: are not recognized
  • Enumerators are not wrapped correctly if some names within a set are made private


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