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Filling some gaps between WordPress and ACF.


Integrate WordPress Objects objects into ACF.

  • Edit WP-Post properties with ACF fields:
    • Settings: blogname
    • Settings: blogdescription
    • Post: post_title
    • Post: post_excerpt
    • Post: post_content
    • Post: post_thumbnail
    • Post: attachments
    • Term: term_name
    • Term: term_description
    • Theme-Mod: custom_logo
  • New Field types:
    • Post Type
    • Taxonomy
    • Image Size
    • Includer (include all fields from a different field group)
    • User Role
    • Sweet Spot (use with media)
    • Plugin Template Select (Selector for template file from plugin)
  • New Location Rules:
    • Post Type / Taxonomy is public / builtin / show_ui / show_in_menu / show_in_nav_menus
    • Post type supports
    • Editor is Classic / Block editor
    • WP Options page is General / Writing / Reading / Discussion / Media / Permalinks
    • Plugin Template Settings
    • Everywhere
  • Choice fields: get choices from a repeater, e.g. from an ACF options page
  • Multisite:
    • Add a network admin page with acf_add_options_(sub_)page(). Add "network" => true, to the page args (ACF Pro only – both plugins must be network-enabled)
  • Styling:
    • More compact styles in block editor sidebar
    • Add classes no-head and no-sort to repeaters
    • Add classes seamless and no-label to fields
    • Add class button-group to checkboxes (make them look like button groups)
  • Page Layouts: Generic flexible content field providing a location rule for field groups. Init acf_add_page_layout('foobar'), render with acf_page_layouts('foobar')
  • JSON-Paths: Save Field group JSON in custom places (like plugins)
  • Localization: Localize ACF Field labels through po-files
  • ACF Options Page: Optionally for Reset, Export and Import in the Backend and from WPCLI.
  • Tab Field Open a tab by URL. Just append #Tab Label


Production (using Github Updater – recommended for Multisite)

  • Head over to releases
  • Download ''
  • Upload and activate it like any other WordPress plugin
  • AutoUpdate will run as long as the plugin is active


  • cd into your plugin directory
  • $ git clone [email protected]:mcguffin/acf-wp-objects.git
  • $ cd acf-wp-objects
  • $ npm install
  • $ npm run dev


Consider the follwing Scenario: You are using local json field groups in your theme. You want to override them in a child theme. Or alternatively, you have a plugin with an ACF dependency, incorporating field groups as local json.

This will load and save ACF JSON from the subdirectory path/to/json-files inside the theme and child theme directory but only if the field group key is group_my_fieldgroup_key.

	'path/to/json-files', // e.g. 'acf-json' in a theme
	function( $field_group ) { 
		// callback 
		// return true, if the field group JSON
		// should be saved at the given location
		return $field_group['key'] === 'group_my_fieldgroup_key';
	[ // parent paths to check

Sweet Spot Field

An easy way to choose the right clipping for images having object-fit: cover.

The easyest way to enable the Sweet Spot feature for all images is the following bit of php code, living in your Theme's functions.php or in a mu-plugin.

add_filter( 'acf_image_sweetspot_enable', '__return_true' );

The plugin will then register a field group for image attachments including a sweet spot field and in the frontend add an inline style rule to the image attributes, e.g. object-position: 12.3% 81.4%;.

Sweet Spot Field UI


ACF provides support for WPML to localize Field groups. ACF WP Objects offers a different approach through .po files.

	function( $field_group ) { 
		// callback which should return true, if the field group 
		// localization is available under the given textdomain
		return $field_group['key'] === 'group_my_fieldgroup_key';

If you are using local json, here is a node script allowing you to extract the strings src/run/json-i18n.js and add them to a pot file:

Install WP CLI.

Place src/run/json-i18n.js and src/run/lib/json-extract.js in your package directory.

Extract strings from json files and add them to a PHP file:

node ./src/run/json-i18n.js 'my-texdomain' ./path/to/json ./php-output.php

Generate pot with WP CLI:

wp i18n make-pot . languages/my-textdomain.pot --domain=my-textdomain

Template Files (ACF Pro only)

  1. Filter template types
add_filter('acf_wp_objects_template_types', function( $types ) {
	$slug = 'foo-plugin';
	$key = 'Items Template';
	$theme_location = 'foo-plugin';
		// will point to wp-content/themes/<current-theme>/foo-plugin/
		// default: $slug
	$plugin_location = 'templates';
		// will point to wp-content/plugins/foo-plugin/templates/
		// null: use default, false: no plugin location, string: custom location inside plugin

	$types[ $slug ] = [
		'header_key' => $key,
		'theme_location' => $theme_location,
		'plugin_location' => $plugin_location,
	return $types;

WP Objects will scan for template files having a header key in theme and plugin locations.

  1. Create a Template select field with name my_fabulous_template. Use it like this: get_template_part( get_field('my_fabulous_template') );
  2. Place some template files in location
Items Template: List
$settings = get_field('my_fabulous_template_settings');

Page layouts (ACF Pro only)

Generate a flexible content field and turn field groups to Layouts. Ideal if you need an extendible Set of Layouts to choose from.

  1. Add a layout section:
	'title'	=> 'My Layout',
	'name'	=> 'my-layout',
  1. Create field groups. Set "Page Layouts" "equals" "My Layout" as a location, and enter a row layout slug at the very bottom.
  2. Create template files in your theme corresponding to the slugs chosen above. Filenames should match acf/layout-<row_layout_slug>.php. Don't forget to use get_sub_field(), you are inside a flexible content field!
  3. In your page.php template file call this inside the loop:
acf_page_layouts( 'my-layouts' );

Repeater Choices with repeater row return

ACF doesn't load the field groups in the frontend by default. To retrieve the value of a Repeater Choice in the frontend, ACF has to know about this.

You can achieve this by adding do_action( 'acf_wpo_load_fields' );

ACF Options Page

Some new options for acf_add_options_page() and acf_add_options_sub_page().

	'import' => false,
	'import_message' => __( 'Options Imported', 'acf-wp-objects' ),
	'import_error_message' => __( 'Invalid Import Data', 'acf-wp-objects' ),
	'import_button' => __( 'Import', 'acf-wp-objects' ),
	'import_select_file' => __( 'Select File…', 'acf-wp-objects' ),

	'export' => false,
	'export_references' => false,
	'export_button' => __( 'Export Settings', 'acf-wp-objects' ),

	'reset' => false,
	'reset_button' => __( 'Restore defaults', 'acf-wp-objects' ),
	'reset_message' => __( 'Options Reset to Defaults', 'acf-wp-objects' ),


  • import Boolean Enable Import feature
  • import_message String Message after sucessful import
  • import_error_message String Message after failed import
  • import_button String Import button label
  • import_select_file String Import file input label
  • export Boolean|Array Enable export feature. true will simply export values from the current options page. Passing an array of options page IDs will export from multiple options pages at once
  • export_references Boolean Whether to export referenced content like posts, images or terms
  • export_button String Export button label
  • reset Boolen|String Enable reset feature. Passing the path to a valid import file will import it.
  • reset_message String Message after a sucessful reset
  • reset_button String Reset button label


Enable import and export.

	'page_title' => 'Configure Foobar Options',
	'menu_title' => 'Foobar Options',
	'post_id' => 'foobar_options',
	'parent_slug' => 'themes.php',
	'menu_slug'	=> 'foobar-options',
	'import' => true,
	'export' => true,

Enable reset too.

	'page_title' => 'Configure Foobar Options',
	'menu_title' => 'Foobar Options',
	'post_id' => 'foobar_options',
	'parent_slug' => 'themes.php',
	'menu_slug'	=> 'foobar-options',
	'import' => true,
	'export' => true,
	'reset' => true,

Enable reset and get values from an export file.

	'page_title' => 'Configure Foobar Options',
	'menu_title' => 'Foobar Options',
	'post_id' => 'foobar_options',
	'parent_slug' => 'themes.php',
	'menu_slug'	=> 'foobar-options',
	'import' => true,
	'export' => true,
	// pass file path to reset
	'reset' => get_template_directory().'/foobar-defaults.json',


Create an export file

wp acf-options-page export foobar-options --pretty > wp-content/themes/my-theme/foobar-defaults.json

Import options from file

wp acf-options-page import wp-content/themes/my-theme/foobar-defaults.json

Reset options page.
Regardless of the configuration passed to acf_add_options_page() this will not import the values from a file. Use wp acf-options-page import to do so.

wp acf-options-page reset foobar-options