The Rootbeer GPU Compiler makes it easy to use Graphics Processing Units from within Java.
Rootbeer is more advanced than CUDA or OpenCL Java Language Bindings. With bindings the developer must serialize complex graphs of objects into arrays of primitive types. With Rootbeer this is done automatically. Also with language bindings, the developer must write the GPU kernel in CUDA or OpenCL. With Rootbeer a static analysis of the Java Bytecode is done (using Soot) and CUDA code is automatically generated.
See doc/hpcc_rootbeer.pdf
for the conference slides from HPCC-2012.
See doc/rootbeer1_paper.pdf
for the conference paper from HPCC-2012.
Rootbeer is licensed under the MIT license.
Rootbeer was created using Test Driven Development and testing is essentially important in Rootbeer. Rootbeer is 20k lines of product code and 7k of test code and all tests pass on both Windows and Linux. The Rootbeer test case suite covers every aspect of the Java Programming language except:
- native methods
- reflection
- dynamic method invocation
- sleeping while inside a monitor.
This means that all of the familar Java code you have been writing can be executed on the GPU
The original publication for Rootbeer was in HPCC-2012.
"Rootbeer: Seamlessly using GPUs from Java"
Philip C. Pratt-Szeliga, James W. Fawcett, Roy D. Welch.
This work is supported by the National Science Foundation grant number MCB-0746066 to R.D.W. and God is most high.
- Clone the github repo to
cd rootbeer1/
(linux) or./pack-rootbeer.bat
(windows)- Use the
You need to have the CUDA Toolkit and CUDA Driver installed to use Rootbeer. Download it from
Rootbeer announcements are pushed to @rootbeer_gpu
Rootbeer mailing list:
Rootbeer does NOT automatically parallelize code. It provides help serializing state and writing CUDA code, but you still must specify what each GPU core is going to do.
Rootbeer is written by:
Phil Pratt-Szeliga
Syracuse University
[email protected]