iOS 9.0 introduces a new class NSLayoutAnchor
for making our works with Auto Layout to be more easier. If you're using swift the way you set the constraints can be like:
view2.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
view2.topAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(view1.topAnchor).active = true
above code is equal to
view2.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
let constraint = NSLayoutConstraint(item: view2,
attribute: .Top,
relatedBy: .Equal,
toItem: view1,
attribute: .Top,
multiplier: 1,
constant: 0) = true
as you see the new APIs are more clearer.
This project's deployment target is equal or greate than 8.0, since only small quantity of devices are using 7.0 or lower and the active
property of NSLayoutConstraint
was instroduced from 8.0.
Now question is how to use those 9.0 convenient APIs about Auto Layout in 8.0 environment? Yes, that's what this project does.
By using this project, just one line can complete above work:
Also this project is very light - only use few classes to imitate 9.0 APIs.
Append this line into your Cartfile
github "mconintet/MCDLayout" "master"
then update carthage using:
carthage update --platform iOS