Browser page for image crop and resize by using Javascript + HTML5 + CSS. Bundle with Deno
Because I needed something like this for myself
Run following command to fast bundle (fast means build info is not filled)
deno bundle -c tsconfig.json src/crop-and-resize.ts src/crop-and-resize.js
or use or fastbundle.ps1
Run following commands to full bundle (full means build info is filled)
or use or fullbundle.ps1
If you want to compile the code and test it out in your browser, then you can use
docker build -t jscropandresize .
docker run -p 8088:80 jscropandresize
to create and run docker image, after that you can open http://localhost:8088 in your browser
All code files (.ts) and HTML files (.html) are under Unlicense
The CSS file (mvp.css) is under MIT License.