Blazor version of Zen2-SMU-Checker that you can run in your browser to get some info about AM4 motherboard BIOS file.
You have to have newish internet browser
Move to src folder and the run
dotnet run
And then you can open http://localhost:5092 in your browser
You have to have wasm-tools workload installed, before you you can do publish. You can install it with following command
dotnet workload install wasm-tools
Move to src folder and the run
dotnet publish -c Release
and content should be in bin\Release\net9.0\publish\wwwroot folder.
RaINi, Reous and PatrickSchur for creating the command-line tool.
All code files (*.cs, .razor) and HTML files (.html) are under MIT license, because original Zen2-SMU-Checker and MVP.css use that license
Icon file is modified emoji from Twitter Emoji (Twemoji) project. Their license is CC-BY 4.0