Programming assignment for the course 184.747 Software Model Checking at the Vienna University of Technology.
This is an interpolation-based sequential model checker for finite-state models encoded in the AIGER format. You have a choice of three interpolation systems: McMillan, Inverse McMillan and Symmetric (aka HKP).
For SAT-solving we use MiniSat 1.14 with proof-logging.
Note: At the moment, the Makefile works only on OS X.
I couldn't get the MiniSat C++ FFI stuff to reliably link with cabal, so you'll need to manually ensure you have all the dependencies before you run make
. You will need GHC 7.6 or higher.
cabal update
cabal install containers parsec transformers vector
smc <model.aag> [ McMillan | Symmetric | InverseMcMillan ]
If you want to play around with this in ghci, you have to first build the MiniSat FFI library and then load it when starting ghci:
make minisat
ghci -lminisat