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Refactor IsoparametricElement to remove heap allocation (RobotLocomot…
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* Refactor IsoparametricElement to remove heap allocation

Refactor the FEM isoparametric element implementation to eliminate heap
allocation and virtual methods. Change to a CRTP pattern for
compile-time polymorphism. The unit tests are the same as in the
previous implementation except for syntactic changes.
  • Loading branch information
xuchenhan-tri authored Dec 17, 2020
1 parent 9d88c2d commit 2baad6f
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Showing 8 changed files with 813 additions and 11 deletions.
38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions multibody/fixed_fem/dev/BUILD.bazel
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,27 @@ package(
default_visibility = ["//visibility:private"],

name = "isoparametric_element",
hdrs = [
deps = [

name = "linear_simplex_element",
hdrs = [
deps = [

name = "quadrature",
hdrs = [
Expand All @@ -31,6 +52,23 @@ drake_cc_library(

name = "isoparametric_element_test",
deps = [

name = "linear_simplex_element_test",
deps = [

name = "simplex_gaussian_quadrature_test",
deps = [
Expand Down
230 changes: 230 additions & 0 deletions multibody/fixed_fem/dev/isoparametric_element.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
#pragma once
#include <array>
#include <utility>

#include "drake/common/eigen_types.h"

namespace drake {
namespace multibody {
namespace fixed_fem {
/** IsoparametricElement is a class that evaluates shape functions
and their derivatives at prescribed locations. The shape function
`S` located at a vertex `a` maps the parent domain to a scalar. The reference
position `X` as well as `u(X)`, an arbitrary function on the reference domain,
can be interpolated from nodal values `Xₐ` and `uₐ` to any location in the
parent domain using the shape function, i.e.:
X(ξ) = Sₐ(ξ)Xₐ, and
u(X(ξ)) = Sₐ(ξ)uₐ,
where ξ ∈ ℝᵈ is in the parent domain and d is its dimension (and we call it the
natural dimension), which may be different from the dimension of X, which we
call the spatial dimension (e.g. 2D membrane or shell element in 3D dynamics
simulation has natural dimension 2 and spatial dimension 3). The constructor
for this class takes in an array of locations at which we may evaluate and/or
interpolate various quantities. If you need to evaluate and/or interpolate at
other locations, construct another instance of %IsoparametricElement and pass
the new locations into the constructor.
%IsoparametricElement serves as the interface base class. Since shape
functions are usually evaluated in computationally intensive inner loops of the
simulation, the overhead caused by virtual methods may be significant.
Therefore, this class uses CRTP to achieve compile-time polymorphism
and avoids the overhead of virtual methods, and permits inlining instead.
Concrete isoparametric elements must inherit from this base class and implement
the interface this class provides. The derived isoparametric element must also
be accompanied by a corresponding traits class that declares the compile time
quantities and type declarations that this base class requires. One cannot
combine the derived class and the traits class because the derived class is
incomplete at the time when the traits is needed.
@tparam DerivedElement The concrete isoparametric element that inherits
from %IsoparametricElement through CRTP.
@tparam DerivedTraits The traits class associated with the DerivedElement. */
template <class DerivedElement, class DerivedTraits>
class IsoparametricElement {
/** The number of locations to evaluate various quantities in the
element. */
static constexpr int num_sample_locations() {
return DerivedTraits::kNumSampleLocations;

/** The dimension of the parent domain. */
static constexpr int natural_dimension() {
return DerivedTraits::kNaturalDimension;

/** The dimension of the spatial domain. */
static constexpr int spatial_dimension() {
return DerivedTraits::kSpatialDimension;

/** The number of nodes in the element. E.g. 3 for linear triangles, 9 for
quadratic quadrilaterals and 4 for linear tetrahedrons. */
static constexpr int num_nodes() { return DerivedTraits::kNumNodes; }

/** std::array of size `num_sample_locations()`. */
template <typename U>
using ArrayType = std::array<U, num_sample_locations()>;

using T = typename DerivedTraits::Scalar;

/** Type of locations at which to evaluate and/or interpolate numerical
quantities from nodes. */
using LocationsType = ArrayType<Vector<T, natural_dimension()>>;

/** Fixed size matrix type to store the Jacobian matrix. */
using JacobianMatrix =
Eigen::Matrix<T, spatial_dimension(), natural_dimension()>;

/** Fixed size matrix type to store the pseudoinverse Jacobian matrix. */
using PseudoinverseJacobianMatrix =
Eigen::Matrix<T, natural_dimension(), spatial_dimension()>;

/** Returns the array of sample locations in the parent domain at which the
isoparametric element evaluates elemental quantities, as provided at
construction. */
const LocationsType& locations() const { return locations_; }

/** Obtains the shape function array
S(ξ) = [S₀(ξ); S₁(ξ); ... Sₐ(ξ); ...; Sₙ₋₁(ξ)]
at each location in the parent domain provided at construction.
@returns an array of size equal to `num_sample_locations()`. The q-th entry
contains the vector S(ξ), of size num_nodes(), evaluated at the
q-th sample location in the parent domain provided at construction.
The a-th component of S(ξ) corresponds to the shape function Sₐ(ξ) for node
a. */
const ArrayType<Vector<T, num_nodes()>>& GetShapeFunctions() const {
const DerivedElement& derived = static_cast<const DerivedElement&>(*this);
return derived.GetShapeFunctions();

/** Obtains the gradient of the shape functions in parent coordinates, dS/dξ,
evaluated at each location in the parent domain provided at construction.
@returns an array of size `num_sample_locations()`. The q-th entry contains
the matrix dS/dξ, of size `num_nodes()`-by-`natural_dimension()`, evaluated
at the q-th sample location in the parent domain provided at construction.
The a-th row of the matrix gives the derivatives dSₐ/dξ for node a. */
const ArrayType<Eigen::Matrix<T, num_nodes(), natural_dimension()>>&
GetGradientInParentCoordinates() const {
const DerivedElement& derived = static_cast<const DerivedElement&>(*this);
return derived.GetGradientInParentCoordinates();

// TODO(xuchenhan-tri): Implement CalcGradientInSpatialCoordinates().

/** Computes the Jacobian matrix, dx/dξ, at each location in the parent domain
provided at construction.
@param xa Spatial coordinates for each element node stored column-wise.
@returns an array of size 'num_sample_locations()`. The q-th entry contains
the Jacobian matrix dx/dξ, of size
`spatial_dimension()`-by-`natural_dimension()`, evaluated at the q-th sample
location in the parent domain provided at construction. */
ArrayType<JacobianMatrix> CalcJacobian(
const Eigen::Ref<
const Eigen::Matrix<T, spatial_dimension(), num_nodes()>>& xa) const {
ArrayType<JacobianMatrix> dxdxi;
const ArrayType<Eigen::Matrix<T, num_nodes(), natural_dimension()>>& dSdxi =
for (int q = 0; q < num_sample_locations(); ++q) {
dxdxi[q] = xa * dSdxi[q];
return dxdxi;

/** Computes dξ/dx, the pseudoinverse Jacobian matrix, at each sample location
in the parent domain provided at construction.
@param xa Spatial coordinates for each element node stored column-wise.
@returns an array of size `num_sample_locations()`. The q-th entry contains
the pseudoinverse Jacobian dξ/dx, of size
`natural_dimension()`-by-`spatial_dimension()`, evaluated at the q-th sample
location in the parent domain provided at construction.
@pre the element with node positions `xa` must not be degenerate.
@see CalcJacobian(). */
ArrayType<PseudoinverseJacobianMatrix> CalcJacobianPseudoinverse(
const Eigen::Ref<
const Eigen::Matrix<T, spatial_dimension(), num_nodes()>>& xa) const {
ArrayType<JacobianMatrix> dxdxi = CalcJacobian(xa);
return CalcJacobianPseudoinverse(dxdxi);

/** Preferred signature for computing dξ/dx when the Jacobian matrices are
available so as to avoid recomputing the Jacobian matrices.
@param jacobian An array of size `num_sample_locations()`. The q-th entry
contains the Jacobian matrix dx/dξ, of size
`spatial_dimension()`-by-`natural_dimension()`, evaluated at the q-th sample
location in the parent domain provided at construction.
@pre Each entry in `jacobian` must be full rank.
@see CalcJacobian(). */
/* Suppose the Jacobian matrix J = dx/dξ is m×n where m >= n. We are looking
for a n×m matrix A = dξ/dx. By the chain rule, AJ = I. In fact A is the
pseudoinverse of J. To see that, observe that AJA = A, JAJ = J, (AJ)ᵀ = AJ.
The only nontrivial fact is that (JA)ᵀ = JA. To see that, QR decompose J so
that J = QR where Q is orthogonal and R is upper triangular, and define B =
AQ. Here R and B are the dx/dξ and dξ/dx in the Q bases, and thus the m-n
right-most columns of B are zero. Restricting B and R to their top-left n×n
corners (call them B̂ and R̂̂), we get R̂B̂ = B̂ᵀR̂̂ᵀ = Iₙₓₙ. Padding zeros in the
correct places, we see that BᵀRᵀ = RB. Therefore, QBᵀRᵀQᵀ = QRBQᵀ which
implies AᵀJᵀ = JA. */
// TODO(xuchenhan-tri): The rank revealing Eigen::JacobiSVD is used instead of
// Eigen::HouseholderQR to guard against rank-deficiency. This is fine for
// now as this function is only invoked in precomputes at the moment.
// Consider the more performant alternative when we need this in an inner
// loop.
ArrayType<PseudoinverseJacobianMatrix> CalcJacobianPseudoinverse(
const ArrayType<JacobianMatrix>& jacobian) const {
ArrayType<PseudoinverseJacobianMatrix> dxidx;
for (int q = 0; q < num_sample_locations(); ++q) {
/* Thin unitaries are enough but Eigen does not allow them for fixed size
matrix. */
Eigen::JacobiSVD<JacobianMatrix> svd(
jacobian[q], Eigen::ComputeFullU | Eigen::ComputeFullV);
if (svd.rank() != natural_dimension()) {
throw std::runtime_error(
"The element is degenerate and does not have a valid Jacobian "
"pseudoinverse (the pseudoinverse is not the left inverse).");
/* Use SVD to solve for the least square system which gives the
pseudoinverse. */
dxidx[q] = svd.solve(Eigen::Matrix<T, spatial_dimension(),
return dxidx;

/** Interpolates nodal values `ua` into u(ξ) at each sample location
in the parent domain provided at construction.
@param ua The value of function u at each element node stored column-wise.
@returns an array of size `num_sample_locations()` of the interpolated
values of u.
@tparam dim The dimension of the value of u. */
template <int dim>
ArrayType<Vector<T, dim>> InterpolateNodalValues(
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Matrix<T, dim, num_nodes()>>& ua) const {
const ArrayType<Vector<T, num_nodes()>>& S = GetShapeFunctions();
ArrayType<Vector<T, dim>> interpolated_value;
for (int q = 0; q < num_sample_locations(); ++q) {
interpolated_value[q] = ua * S[q];
return interpolated_value;


/** Constructs an isoparametric element that performs calculations at the
locations specified by the input `locations`. */
explicit IsoparametricElement(LocationsType locations)
: locations_(std::move(locations)) {}

/* The locations at which to evaluate various quantities of this element. */
LocationsType locations_;
} // namespace fixed_fem
} // namespace multibody
} // namespace drake

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