4.2.0 (2025-01-22)
Bug Fixes
add padding between specifications table and footer box (bfec6a0 )
dev-server: support contributor spotlight (#12463 ) (aff7038 )
layout: add space between specifications table and footer box (#12434 ) (bfec6a0 )
playground: separate "Legacy css" prologue from included variable (#12467 ) (5773469 )
baseline: change h2 in summary to div (#12433 ) (2a7aa70 )
deps-dev: bump @babel/eslint-parser from 7.25.9 to 7.26.5 (#12442 ) (02be105 )
deps-dev: bump @swc/core from 1.10.7 to 1.10.8 (#12490 ) (af850eb )
deps-dev: bump @swc/core from 1.10.8 to 1.10.9 (#12498 ) (19a8f76 )
deps-dev: bump @types/imagemin from 9.0.0 to 9.0.1 in the types group (#12484 ) (ab0a302 )
deps-dev: bump @types/node from 18.19.70 to 18.19.71 in the types group (#12470 ) (e4149ed )
deps-dev: bump eslint-plugin-jest from 28.10.0 to 28.11.0 (#12460 ) (c875c3d )
deps-dev: bump eslint-plugin-react from 7.37.3 to 7.37.4 (#12444 ) (d089fe2 )
deps-dev: bump jsdom from 25.0.1 to 26.0.0 (#12421 ) (9cb81c3 )
deps-dev: bump postcss from 8.4.49 to 8.5.1 (#12451 ) (e20dae9 )
deps-dev: bump prettier-plugin-packagejson from 2.5.6 to 2.5.7 (#12462 ) (a31e278 )
deps-dev: bump prettier-plugin-packagejson from 2.5.7 to 2.5.8 (#12480 ) (c779ac1 )
deps-dev: bump react-router-dom from 7.1.1 to 7.1.2 (#12482 ) (5da095a )
deps-dev: bump react-router-dom from 7.1.2 to 7.1.3 (#12486 ) (4d1cccb )
deps-dev: bump sass from 1.83.1 to 1.83.4 (#12450 ) (07b204b )
deps-dev: bump ts-loader from 9.5.1 to 9.5.2 (#12445 ) (ca45649 )
deps-dev: bump ts-loader from 9.5.1 to 9.5.2 in /client/pwa (#12447 ) (202ffe8 )
deps-dev: bump typescript from 5.7.2 to 5.7.3 in /client/pwa (#12430 ) (9b1bfa8 )
deps-dev: bump typescript-eslint from 8.19.1 to 8.20.0 (#12449 ) (04f5c62 )
deps-dev: bump typescript-eslint from 8.20.0 to 8.21.0 (#12493 ) (273d6c4 )
deps: bump @inquirer/prompts from 7.2.1 to 7.2.2 (#12443 ) (c6e7322 )
deps: bump @inquirer/prompts from 7.2.2 to 7.2.3 (#12454 ) (755788a )
deps: bump @lit/react from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7 (#12441 ) (20952b4 )
deps: bump @lit/task from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 (#12502 ) (7399088 )
deps: bump @mdn/browser-compat-data from 5.6.28 to 5.6.29 (#12438 ) (41488cc )
deps: bump @mdn/browser-compat-data from 5.6.29 to 5.6.30 (#12461 ) (175daec )
deps: bump @mdn/browser-compat-data from 5.6.30 to 5.6.31 (#12485 ) (065d6c5 )
deps: bump @mdn/browser-compat-data from 5.6.31 to 5.6.32 (#12496 ) (9c4d309 )
deps: bump @mdn/rari from 0.1.16 to 0.1.17 (#12458 ) (ccd0bce )
deps: bump @mdn/rari from 0.1.17 to 0.1.18 (#12477 ) (bd2fae4 )
deps: bump @mdn/rari from 0.1.18 to 0.1.19 (#12501 ) (c525467 )
deps: bump @sentry/node from 8.48.0 to 8.49.0 in the sentry group (#12457 ) (321f62d )
deps: bump @sentry/node from 8.49.0 to 8.50.0 in the sentry group (#12469 ) (de9cf6f )
deps: bump @sentry/node from 8.50.0 to 8.51.0 in the sentry group (#12500 ) (f3ef62c )
deps: bump @vscode/ripgrep from 1.15.9 to 1.15.10 (#12440 ) (fff82c4 )
deps: bump boto3 from 1.35.92 to 1.35.97 in /deployer in the dependencies group (#12437 ) (09256ec )
deps: bump boto3 from 1.35.97 to 1.36.2 in /deployer in the dependencies group (#12483 ) (e742973 )
deps: bump dexie from 4.0.10 to 4.0.11 (#12472 ) (df1b4a5 )
deps: bump dexie from 4.0.10 to 4.0.11 in /client/pwa (#12468 ) (3161d22 )
deps: bump fdir from 6.4.2 to 6.4.3 (#12481 ) (55c5362 )
deps: bump fs-extra from 11.2.0 to 11.3.0 (#12475 ) (5e3a35f )
deps: bump mdn-data from 2.14.0 to 2.15.0 (#12471 ) (e9483b3 )
deps: bump openai from 4.78.0 to 4.78.1 (#12439 ) (f40025c )
deps: bump openai from 4.78.1 to 4.79.1 (#12489 ) (35a3bf8 )
deps: bump openai from 4.79.1 to 4.79.4 (#12497 ) (9d7517a )
deps: bump openai from 4.79.4 to 4.80.0 (#12503 ) (e8356f5 )
deps: bump web-features from 2.16.0 to 2.17.0 (#12453 ) (b69794d )
deps: bump web-features from 2.17.0 to 2.18.0 (#12473 ) (e994c7a )
deps: bump web-features from 2.18.0 to 2.19.0 (#12492 ) (b2d9a6b )
deps: bump web-specs from 3.32.0 to 3.33.0 (#12452 ) (93633ab )
deps: bump web-specs from 3.33.0 to 3.33.1 (#12459 ) (fd67b21 )
deps: bump web-specs from 3.33.1 to 3.34.0 (#12488 ) (b98539c )
deps: bump web-specs from 3.34.0 to 3.35.0 (#12494 ) (d10d71b )
footer: update mozilla logo (#12478 ) (b4131d1 )
menu: change accessibility menu items (#12365 ) (f5d3a10 )
survey: keep house survey a bit longer (#12436 ) (b24e706 )
test-build: support specificying rari and content ref (#12432 ) (0c190a0 )
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