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Tags: mdruiter/mathnet-numerics



Toggle v4.9.0's commit message
Math.NET Numerics v4.9.0

Integration: Substitution for open intervals ~Jong Hyun Kim
Integration: Gaus-Kronrod Quadrature ~Jong Hyun Kim
Integration: Complex contour ~Jong Hyun Kim
Distributions: Three parameter Burr (Type XII) ~Philip Gruber
Distributions: Inverse Gaussian ~Philip Gruber
Distributions: Truncated Pareto ~Philip Gruber
Optimization: Detect early completion in BFGS-B minimizer ~Tom McTiernan


Toggle v4.8.1's commit message
Math.NET Numerics v4.8.1

Packaging fix - signed edition was not properly strong named.


Toggle v4.8.0's commit message
Math.NET Numerics v4.8.0

Optimization: Levenberg-Marquardt, Trust-Region Dogleg ~Jong Hyun Kim
Optimization: Nelder-Mead-Simplex: Improve convergence for symmetrical functions ~Erik Ovegard
BUG: Optimization: Nelder-Mead-Simplex did not return the best evaluated point in some cases ~Eric Scott Salem
Factorial: first 170 values now constant (data segment) instead of precomputed on first use ~Portalez Regis
Window Functions: Tukey window ~Marco Ross


Toggle v4.8.0-beta02's commit message
Math.NET Numerics v4.8.0-beta02

Optimization: Levenberg-Marquardt, Trust-Region Dogleg ~Jong Hyun Kim
Optimization: Nelder-Mead-Simplex: Improve convergence for symmetrical functions ~Erik Ovegard
BUG: Optimization: Nelder-Mead-Simplex did not return the best evaluated point in some cases ~Eric Scott Salem
Factorial: first 170 values now constant (data segment) instead of precomputed on first use ~Portalez Regis
Window Functions: Tukey window ~Marco Ross


Toggle v4.8.0-beta01's commit message
Math.NET Numerics v4.8.0-beta01

Optimization: Levenberg-Marquardt, Trust-Region Dogleg ~Jong Hyun Kim
BUG: Optimization: Nelder-Mead-Simplex did not return the best evaluated point in some cases ~Eric Scott Salem
Factorial: first 170 values now constant (data segment) instead of precomputed on first use ~Portalez Regis


Toggle v4.7.0's commit message
Math.NET Numerics v4.7.0

Special Functions: Airy functions Ai, Bi ~Jong Hyun Kim
Special Functions: Bessel functions of the first and second kind ~Jong Hyun Kim
Special Functions: Modified Bessel functions of the first and second kind ~Jong Hyun Kim
Special Functions: Spherical Bessel functions of the first and second kind ~Jong Hyun Kim
Special Functions: Hankel functions of the first and second kind ~Jong Hyun Kim
Special Functions: Kelvin functions of the first and second kind, and derivatives ~Jong Hyun Kim
Linear Algebra: optimized sparse implementation of transpose-multiply ~Richard Reader
Linear Algebra: optimized range checking in vectors and matrices


Toggle v4.6.0's commit message
Math.NET Numerics v4.6.0

Polynomial: New Polynomial data structure ~Tobias Glaubach
Statistics: Correlate.Auto auto correlation ~Tobias Glaubach


Toggle v4.5.1's commit message
Math.NET Numerics v4.5.1

Signed NuGet packages


Toggle v4.5.0's commit message
Math.NET Numerics v4.5.0

Random: New Xoshiro256StarStar random source ~Colin Green


Toggle v4.4.1's commit message
Math.NET Numerics v4.4.1

Build: strong-name edition .Signed NuGet packages are available again