A Telegram Bot To Encode Videos Using FFMPEG
- This bot has queue feature.Thumbnail
- Send any image and it will be set as file thumbnail.OWNER
- Only authorised user can use it.FFMPEG Code Change
- Change ffmpegcode through the bot itself do /help in bot pm for more info.
● In these days Railway banning many Repo on the basis of the requirements of the Repo,Railway started doing that because many people broke their terms of use they deploy illegal stuffs.
● As all knows that Railway has much better speed of compressing video in compare to other free service like heroku
● That's why I edited Real Repo and make it deployable to railway again And also remove some useless Emoji because I hate emoji 😉.
Add in @BotFather
start - Check Bot is Working or not
help - Get Detailed Help
setcode - Set Custom FFMPEG Code
getcode - Print Current FFMPEG Code
logs - Get Bot Logs
ping - Check Ping
sysinfo - Get System Info
renew - Clear Cached Downloads, Queue etc
clear - Clear Queued Files
showthumb - Show Current Thumbnail
cmds - List Available Commands
variables for indirectly deployment.
- Api ID of Owner {get it from my.telegram.org.}API_HASH
- Api hash of Owner {get it from my.telegram.org.}OWNER
- Put Id Of Auth Users with a space between it, Those are able to use bot.THUMBNAIL
- Your custom Thumbnail For your Compressed Video, you can also change it in your bot PM.BOT_TOKEN
- Bot token, {get it from BotFather.}
- For the Base RepoZylern
- For their code