Repository of scripts for the HumanMetagenomeDB The Python script can be used on all Operating Systems. Windows executable file with Aspera Download support is also provided for easy use on Windows.
- git clone
- cd hmgdb_script
Downloads the sequencing data and outputs to the "output" directory
- python3 -o output -i hmgdb_downloaded_metadata_dataset.csv
Aspera Support is currently available for Linux and Windows.
- python3 -o output -i hmgdb_downloaded_metadata_dataset.csv -aspera_exec /path/to/ascp -aspera_ssh /path/to/asperaweb_id_dsa.openssh
Usage: $ python [OPTIONS]
-h this help message
-o < /path/to/output > Path to output folder. If not given, the data will be placed where the script is executed.
-i < /path/to/input_csv_file > Path to input csv file. If not given, hmgdb_downloaded_metadata_dataset.csv is search in the location of the script.
-aspera_exec < /path/to/ascp > Provide the path to the aspera key file if you would like to download it with aspera.
-aspera_ssh < /path/to/asperaweb_id_dsa.openssh > Provide the path to the aspera key file if you would like to download it with aspera.