Embeddable widget for claiming subdomains through the me3 subdomain registrar contracts.
Use your favourite package manager:
npm i @me3/claim-widget
# OR
pnpm i @me3/claim-widget
# OR
yarn add @me3/claim-widget
Before the claim widget can be used, your project needs to be registered with me3.
- Deploy
- We have a simple one for NFT projects available to deploy at https://github.com/me3-eth/subdomain-registrar/README.md#nftauthoriser
- Register project with me3: https://etherscan.io/address/0x809f89b26347156ff3f8f2842780ddafb1c4acde#writeContract
- Set the me3 Subdomain Registrar as the controller for the project's ENS name
The widget can be used in React, Vue, Svelte, HTML, or Angular as a Web Component. Check out the examples to see usage:
- Credentials for Alchemy API to pull NFTs
- A provider object that supports the following EIPs:
- 1193
- 1102
- 3085
- 3326
The claim-widget is themable. These are the default values:
:root {
--me3-text-color: #1C1C33;
--me3-container-border-radius: 40px;
--me3-container-padding: 40px 30px;
--me3-container-background: linear-gradient(257.35deg, #FFFFFF 0%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25) 100%);
--me3-container-box-shadow: 0px 6px 30px rgba(108, 108, 128, 0.06);
--me3-container-item-gap: 32px;
--me3-claimbtn-height: 64px;
--me3-claimbtn-width: 196px;
--me3-claimbtn-background: linear-gradient(256.24deg, #3D73FF -30.68%, rgba(121, 174, 255, 0.8) 23.64%, rgba(145, 142, 255, 0.75) 63.28%, rgba(87, 122, 255, 0.35) 97.37%);
--me3-claimbtn-box-shadow: 0px 6px 60px rgba(134, 158, 255, 0.5);
--me3-claimbtn-text-color: #ffffff;
--me3-claimbtn-border-radius: 24px;
--me3-claimbtn-border: none;
--me3-input-border-radius: 16px;
--me3-input-border: 1px solid #dedede;
--me3-input-padding: 16px;
--me3-input-margin: 0px;
--me3-input-background: #ffffff;
--me3-label-margin: 0 0 8px 0;
--me3-label-font-size: 14px;
--me3-label-line-height: 24px;
--me3-label-font-weight: 500;
--me3-label-display: block;
- Clone
- install pkgs
- ???
- Try to keep it light
- Install as a runnable application in subfolder of examples/