- result at https://imba-dbmonster.surge.sh/ using
surge dist
command - result of all implementation https://github.com/mathieuancelin/js-repaint-perfs
- implement db-monster benchmark in imba. reference implementation on https://github.com/rich-harris/dom-monster demo on https://simulacra.js.org/dbmonster/
- original 2015 react talk repo https://github.com/ryanflorence/reactconf-2015-HYPE from https://blog.nparashuram.com/2015/03/performance-comparison-on-javascript.html
- render row with 7 column
- render table with many rows
- make a tooltip when hover
- show repaint speed and memory
- figure out how to import ENV.js using imba not html script (it's common js)
- generate random data (ENV.js) see demo from hyperapp
- convert style.css and bootstrap.css to imba