Implementation of our manuscript of Federated deep learning for detecting COVID-19 lung abnormalities in CT: A privacy-preserving multinational validation study
by Qi Dou#, Tiffany Y So, Meirui Jiang, Quande Liu, VARUT Vardhanabhuti, Georgios Kaissis, Zeju Li, Weixin Si, Heather Lee, Kevin Yu, Zuxin Feng, Li Dong, Egon Burian, Friederike Jungmann, Rickmer Braren, Marcus Makowski, Bernhard Kainz, Daniel Rueckert, Ben Glocker#, Simon CH Yu#, Pheng Ann Heng#
For any inquiry, please contact Dr. Qi Dou ([email protected]).
The source code enables both training and testing of our federated deep learning method for abnormalities detection in COVID-19 lung CT. We use improving RetinaNet [1] as our backbone. Our pretrained model and demo data are available at here.
We recommend using conda to setup the environment, See the
for environment configurationIf there is no conda installed on your PC, please find the installers from
If you have already installed conda, please change the directory to the same level as
and use the following command to setup environment quickly.conda env create -f environment.yaml
After environment creation, please use the following command to activate your environment
conda activate flcovid
Run the script
to compile Cython code first.bash
Put the download demo data and model at the same level of folder 'fl_covid'. Make sure put the data folder and model folder in right place, please refer to the File structure at the bottom.
To start traning, please run the
You can modify and run your own command according to the template in
python3 ./fl_covid/bin/ --batch-size=6 --steps=100 --gpu=0 --epochs=30 --snapshot-path=../fl_covid_model_and_log/
Size of the training batches
Number of steps per epoch
Number of epochs to train
Id of the GPU to use (as reported by nvidia-smi)
Path to save the snapshots of models and training log during training
To run inference with our model, please run
. Inference will be ran on external site1 by default.
To choose which site to be validated, please change --site
in shell script. Options please refer to the below explanation .
You may specify the --save-path
to change the results saving directory , default folder is named 'output' at the same directory level as the code folder.
# Run inference and saving the visual and statistical results
python3 ./fl_covid/bin/ --model=./model/model.h5 --gpu=0 --save-path=./output/ --save-result=1 --get_predicted_bbox --site=external1
# Print the statistical analysis
python3 ./fl_covid/bin/ --model=./model/model.h5 --gpu=0 --save-path=./output/ --save-result=0 --verbose --site=external1
Path to the model for evaluation
Path to save the visualization results and statistical intermediate results
‘1’ for both saving visual and statistical results, '0' for only statistics.
To be used for first time evaluation, saving intermediate results for following statistics.
Determine which site to be evaluated. Options are [ internal | external1 | external2 | external3 ]
The system take input from csv files that saving the data information, each line represents a scan image with label and unique path.
Outputs are statistical results saved in npy format and visual results saved in nii.gz format under the directory FL-COVID/output
For visualizing the nii.gz results, we recommand using ITK-SNAP ( to visualize them.
For code and demo data, structures listed below:
|--fl_covid (source code folder)
|--data (demo date folder)
|--model (pre-trained model folder)
[1] Zlocha, Martin, Qi Dou, and Ben Glocker. "Improving RetinaNet for CT lesion detection with dense masks from weak RECIST labels." In International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, pp. 402-410. Springer, Cham, 2019.