Aim is to be able to develop virtual DJ plugins in a similar way to the oldschool Quartz Composer plugins.
Download the latest release from the releases page and copy the 'VDJTouchEngine.dll' into C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\VirtualDJ\Plugins64\VideoEffects
Once loaded add the plugin from the effects menu and click the plus icon to open up the parameters window.
Click the load button to load a tox file.
Create a TOP of type In named vdjtexturein. This will be the input texture from virtual DJ.
Create a TOP of Type Out named vdjtextureout. This will be the output texture to virtual DJ.
Create a CHOP of type In named vdjaudioin. This will be the input audio from virtual DJ.
Create a CHOP of type Out named vdjaudioout. This will be the output audio to virtual DJ.
Create a Table DAT named vdjparameters. This will be the parameters exposed from virtual DJ. This will fill witht the first row being parameter names and the second row being the parameter values. There will be one row per deck in virtual DJ.
- Add BPM Input
- Add support for audio buffer injection. - Done
- Add ability for exposing parameters for control through effects panel - In Progress
- Add support for BPM control
- Add support for video buffer injection - Done.
- Add support for dyanmic sample rate
- Add support for system controlled framerates
- Add support for table DAT input params.
Useful tips for those wanting to integrate touchengine.
Make sure to include the TouchEngine.dll with your compiled program
However your draw call is implemented you should:
- Set input Linkages
- Cook Frame
- Wait for Cook to finish
- Get output Linkages
- Draw
To create a const float**
in c++ to pass to the value funciton you can do the following:
std::vector<float> values;
std::vector<const float*> valuesPtrs;
Pass the to the value function.
If doing audio it's useful to compute your frame rate and sample times based off the sample rate.
int SampleRate = 48000;
result = TEInstanceSetFrameRate(instance, SampleRate, 800);
TEInstanceStartFrameAtTime(instance, totalSamples, SampleRate, false);