Encode text provided in supported formats using one of possible encoding methods.
You can use text encoder as an imported module as well
as from command line after adding package into PYTHONPATH
C:\>python -m text_encoder --in_string="this works" --out_console --cesar --key=1
Typical usage.
from text_encoder import Encoder, StringReader, ConsoleWriter, Cesar, ScalarEncryptionKey
encoder = Encoder(StringReader('text to encode'), ConsoleWriter(), Cesar(ScalarEncryptionKey(2)))
If file is the output, remember about finishing file writing process.
from text_encoder import Encoder, StringReader, FileWriter, Cesar, ScalarEncryptionKey
file_writer = FileWriter(r'C:\Documents\encoding_output.txt')
encoder = Encoder(StringReader('text to encode'), file_writer, Cesar(ScalarEncryptionKey(2)))
If string is the output, remember to get the encoding result.
from text_encoder import Encoder, StringReader, StringWriter, Cesar, ScalarEncryptionKey
string_writer = StringWriter()
encoder = Encoder(StringReader('text to encode'), string_writer, Cesar(ScalarEncryptionKey(2)))
encoded_message = string_writer.get()
- Console
- String
- File
In order to enable running tests and checking coverage execute at the command prompt:
`pip install pytest pytest-cov`
To run tests and check coverage execute:
- 1.0.0
- First functional release