Configure your Node.js/Express application to support localization.
Identify the necessary language files or translation resources to store localized content.
Localization of Backend (Node.js/Express):
Configure your Node.js/Express application to support localization.
Identify the necessary language files or translation resources to store localized content.
Implement middleware or a custom function to handle language detection and selection based on user preferences.
Implement server-side localization of messages, error messages, date and time formats, and other application-specific texts.
Localization of Frontend (Angular):
Provide required REST endpoint for frontend to be able to match user’s language preference.
Language Storage in MongoDB:
Extend the existing MongoDB data model to support language-specific content.
Implement retrieval and storage mechanisms to fetch and update data based on the user's selected language.
User Language Preferences: { To store individual language preferences, add a language field to your user schema in MongoDB. When a user updates their language preference, update this field accordingly
To persist the language preference across user sessions, store the user's language in a JWT (JSON Web Token) or a session cookie. }
Implement a user profile or settings functionality to store and retrieve individual language preferences.
Ensure the language preference is persisted across user sessions.
Allow users to update their language preferences in the application's settings.
# clone the project
$ git clone
# docker compose
$ docker-compose up -d
# install packages
$ npm install
# run
$ npm start
- Author - Mehdi Ghorbani
- Telegram - Mehdi_qor
- Email - [email protected]