Hi there, I’m Mehmet 👋
I'm a Senior iOS Engineer with over six years of dedicated experience in mobile development. My passion lies in crafting impactful, user-centric applications that exceed expectations, and I take pride in having successfully launched over 35 high-quality projects on the App Store. My focus is always on building seamless, intuitive, and scalable apps that make a difference for users.
👨💻 All of my side projects are available at appstore
📝 I regularly write articles on my blog
📫 How to reach me: LinkedIn, Mastodon, Stack Overflow
📄 Know about my experiences here
⚡ Fun fact: I do standups
With a Bachelor's degree in Software Engineering, I've built a strong foundation in data structures and system design. This academic experience laid the groundwork for my passion and skills in mobile software development.
Throughout my career, I've had the pleasure of working on diverse projects—from entertainment apps that delight users to real-time communication solutions leveraging WebRTC and XMPP. My expertise extends across both frontend and backend, allowing me to create comprehensive and efficient applications.
- Languages: Swift, Objective-C, Kotlin, Java, C++, Python, TypeScript
- Mobile Frameworks: SwiftUI, UIKit, WatchKit, AVKit, StoreKit, CoreImage, ReplayKit
- Architectures: TCA, MVVM, MVC, MVP, MVI, VIPER
- Databases: CoreData, SwiftData, Realm, SQLite, PostgreSQL
- Testing: XCTest, XCUITest, Quick, Nimble
- Full-Stack Development: React, Next.js, Supabase, Firebase
- DevOps and Tools: Xcode Cloud, Jenkins, Fastlane, GitHub Actions, Docker, AWS
- Dependency Management: SPM, CocoaPods, Carthage
- Third-Party Tools: RxSwift, OpenTok, Alamofire, Amplitude, RevenueCat, WebRTC, XMPP