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This application is a basic sails application (backend Web framework built on node.js) Integrated with angularJS (Frontend).

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Sails Angular Application

a Sails + AngularJS application


This application is a base sails application (backend Web framework built on node.js) Integrated with angularJS (Frontend JS framework). The purpose is to have a quick start for any web application that will include all the development tools supported by sails OOB using grunt ( watch , minify , uglify , unify etc') + some basic layout that can be changed according to any given design or fully replaced but the concept is already there using angular different feature.

How to start?

Prerequisite for sails application is node.js so first make ure node is installed:

For platform specific download check NodeJs Website

  • Download the application sources from here

Install the dependencies:

$ npm -g install sails
$ npm install -g bower
$ cd sailsAngularApp
$ npm install
$ cd assets
$ bower install

Prerequisite Instructions:

  • npm install - will install server side dependencies under sailsAngularApp\node_modules it will install all dependencies listed in package.json to the node_modules directory

  • bower install - Will download all frontend dependencies (angular , bootstrap, JQuery etc') it will download all dependencies to sailsAngularApp\assets\js\dependencies

    Note: if you are behind a proxy - change proxy settings in .bowerrc as following: "proxy":"", "https-proxy":"", - if you want to add new dependency: update sailsAngularApp\assets\bower.json file under dependencies

Starting the application:

run the application by going to sailsAngularApp and running:

  • sails lift --verbose (to see logs prints)
  • sails lift (by default will start in development mode - means any changes to source file will be build and refreshed on the fly)
  • sails lift --prod ( production mode - include all minified CSS JS and well performance)

Landing Page:

After application is up go to http://localhost:1337 you will be directed to http://localhost:1337/#/landing which is the landing page defined in sailsAngularApp\views\landing.ejs

The following plugind are already added to the platform:

####To change the sails connection to use mongo instead of default: ####

  • npm install sails-mongo (will install sails-mongo plugin under node_modules)
  • Under config/connection.js define new connection for mongo like: localMongoDB: { adapter: 'sails-mongo', host: 'localhost', port: 27017, database: 'sails' //optional },
  • Under config/models.js set to use the new connection:
    • connection: 'localMongoDB',

####Frontend properties file:#### FE propereties is defined under sailsAngularApp\assets\js\config\propertiesConfig.js and loaded by the configProvider see an example how it can be used in the ApplicationController

To add new frontend dependency package:

  • Add the package name to sailsAngularApp\assets\bower.json dependencies
  • cd to sailsAngularApp\assets
  • run: bower install
  • To include the js script on your page add the new package in sailsAngularApp\tasks\pipeline.js under the jsFilesToInject

Simulators/Mocked data:

This solution allows to choose two modes for the api calls based on application property mockedData which defined in sailsAngularApp\assets\js\config\propertiesConfig.js:

  • if set to false (default) - the api url will be executed as sent e.g. /user?id=4
  • if set to true - a mockeddata will be returned based on predfined json files under sailsAngularApp\assets\data, in our example it will look for user.json file instead. an example for the simulator use can be found in ApplicationController.js, look for: config.apiUrl


This application is a basic sails application (backend Web framework built on node.js) Integrated with angularJS (Frontend).






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