A roll20 discord bridge program This project has been shelved potentialy indefinatley due to lack of intrest. While the current version should still be functional for a while, it will likley not be reciving any updates or patches moving forward This program requires the ability to add an api to your campaign
Bridge 20 preforms the following tasks
- Sends messages from roll20 chat to a discord text channel (in a format designed to make chats compact while preserving information like the roll20 character name, however, inline rolls may display incorrect values)
- Sends rolls from roll 20 to a discord text channel as an embed
- Listens for player whispers in roll20 and dms the receiving player's discord with the message
If you already know how to setup a discord bot skip to part 2
- Go to your discord application dash: https://discordapp.com/developers/applications
- Create a new apllication -Fill out bot information to your satisfaction
- Select the bot tab on the left and add a bot user -remember to name your bot and give it a profile if you would like
- While in the bot menu copy your token and put it in a text file for safe keeping we will use it in part 2
- Switch back to the general information tab and copy the CLIENT ID
- Finaly go to this url https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=CLIENTID&scope=bot replacing CLIENTID with your ID and add the bot to your desired server
This section will deal with how to fill out the settings.JSON file once you have downloaded the repo
- roll20
- email
- Change this field to be the email tied to a roll 20 acount with gm acces to the campaign
- password
- Password coresponding to the aformentioned email
- email
- game
- apiLink
- The URL of the api menu for your campaign
- campaignHome
- The URL to the campaign menu (note this is not in use as of now)
- apiLink
- discord
- token
- Your discord bot's token (found in part 1)
- channel
- The name of the discord channel you want to be the bridge (Note: do NOT include the leading hashtag, another note this is currently not functional just name the channel "bridge")
- token
- settings
- printFullRoll
- Either "yes" or "no", if yes rolls will display with the individual value of each roll under them
- printFullRoll
- players Note this is an array , player objects can be added an removed to your desire (This step is optional, at the moment the only reason for it is to make /whisper commands dm the player
- discord
- The discord ID of the player (Information on how to find this is here
- rollName
- The name of the roll20 character bound to this player (note: character, not acount)
- discord
In this final section we will add the API to your campaign
- Go to the game menu of your campagin
- Click the gear and navigate to the API menu
- Select create API
- Copy and paste the contents of API.js into the new API you created
- Select save
- Run
and it should start up on its own - When you want to close it go to the command shell and enter control c (^c)