go get github.com/mrKitikat/Vk-Parser-Service
. -
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/mrkitikat/vk-parser-service/src
dep ensure
. -
go run main.go
Config in config.json
"name": "Vk Parser Service",
"vk": {
"url": "https://api.vk.com/method/",
"version": "",
"token": ""
"server": {
"host": "",
"port": ""
- vk.version --- Version of vk api. Type: String. Default: "5.103".
- vk.token --- Your private api token. Type: String.
- server.host --- Host of Vk Parser Service. Type: String. Default: "localhost".
- server.port --- Port of Vk Parser Service. Type String. Default: "8080".
"Content-Type", "application/json"
POST http://service.host:service.port/getProfiles
"id": string // User id
"intersect_number": int //current minimum number(N) of occurrences, N > 1
"sex": int // 1 - woman, 2 - man
"Message": bool // can write private message
1. StatusCode = 200:
"text": "",
- "text": "The list is empty". Means that intersection is empty with current params from request.
- "responce": ""
- "text": "We found N people". Means that intersection is not empty and contains N people with current params from request.
- "responce": [id_1, id_2, ..., id_N]. Contains people's id from intersection. Type []int64.
Returned group members with ids: [1, 2, 4, 6, 1, 3, 1, 2, 3].
- IF intersect_number = 2 in request ---> intersection is [1, 2, 3].
- ELSE IF intersect_number = 3 in request ---> intersection is [1].
- ELSE IF intersect_number = 4 in request ---> intersection is [ ].
Other parameters from the request impose additional constraints.
- Parsing members.
- Intersection groups.
- Tests for intersection methods.
- Parse posts.
- Tests for posts methods.
- Parse comments.
- Tests for comments methods.
- Parse what user likes.
- Tests for like methods.