Code for force dimension haptic devices
C++ programs written for testing and demonstration of the CRTK API.
Adaptive nodes for behavior trees which learn from experience.
Augmented Behavior Trees and Hidden Markov Models
GitHub pages repository
OpenAI Baselines: high-quality implementations of reinforcement learning algorithms
Tensorflow implementation for learning an image-to-image translation without input-output pairs.
Software that can generate photos from paintings, turn horses into zebras, perform style transfer, and more.
An implementation of CycleGan using TensorFlow
Novel image segmentation datasets collected from endoscopic videos of sinus surgery processes
RBDL - Rigid Body Dynamics Library - ORB Version - The two main differences to the original rbdl is that this version has error handling and uses polymorphism for constraints
Notebooks for learning deep learning
Toolbox including several techniques for estimation of Globally Asymptotically Stable Dynamical Systems from demonstrations. It focuses on the Linear Parameter Varying formulation with "physically-…
Simulate robots in Gazebo while using the ros_control package to simulate controllers in its joints.
w-net: a convolutional neural network architecture for the self-supervised learning of depthmap from pairs of stereo images.
Generic U-Net Tensorflow implementation for image segmentation
Python sample codes for robotics algorithms.
"Maximizing rigidity" revisited
PositionBasedDynamics is a library for the physically-based simulation of rigid bodies, deformable solids and fluids.
TensorFlow input pipelines for multiple datasets for easy data fetching
Models and examples built with TensorFlow