Juicy Parts Software
- Richmond, VA
- http://melriffe.info
- Pro
Recall what you did on the last working day. Psst! or be nosy and find what someone else in your team did ;-)
freeCodeCamp.org's open-source codebase and curriculum. Learn to code for free.
Library to make processing Flat Flies as easy as CSV files.
DSL to describe, document and test web services
zheileman / sunspot_cell
Forked from springbok/sunspot_cellCell support for Sunspot (packaged as gem), including this patch for changing the open file way: https://github.com/chebyte/sunspot_cell/commit/86dee3c113ee20069c7bcad17
springbok / sunspot_cell
Forked from tomasc/sunspot_cellCell support for Sunspot
Fork of svnspam to resolve bugs and inline style mechanism(The authors are not maintaining the code anymore)
ComfortableMexicanSofa is a powerful Ruby on Rails 5.2+ CMS (Content Management System) Engine
(Old/dead) An ActiveModel-compliant persistence framework for Ruby that uses Git for versioning and remote syncing.
When Chuck Norris throws exceptions, it’s across the room.
This is a quick little gem that uses Google Maps to determine the distance, duration and fuel costs for driving between two user defined points.
Astrid: Android's #1 Task Management Application
issueapp / git-pivotal
Forked from trydionel/git-pivotalA collection of git utilities to ease integration with Pivotal Tracker(fork of git-pivotal, supports custom integration branch, prioritized assignee)
Check password strength against several rules. Includes ActiveRecord/ActiveModel support.
schacon / showoff
Forked from binford2k/showoffmoved to puppetlabs/showoff!
eartle / lastfm-desktop
Forked from jonocole/lastfm-desktopThe official Last.fm desktop application suite
brotherbard / gitx
Forked from andreberg/gitxExperimental fork of Pieter's nice git GUI for OS X. Includes: sidebar, fetch, pull, push, add remote, merge, cherry-pick, rebase, clone, clone to. Mac OS X 10.5+ (see wiki for screenshot)