LubeLogger is a web-based vehicle maintenance and fuel mileage tracker
A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.
SpiderFoot automates OSINT for threat intelligence and mapping your attack surface.
MediaCMS is a modern, fully featured open source video and media CMS, written in Python/Django and React, featuring a REST API.
OvenMediaEngine (OME) is a Sub-Second Latency Live Streaming Server with Large-Scale and High-Definition. #WebRTC #LLHLS
Ant Media Server is a live streaming engine software that provides adaptive, ultra low latency streaming by using WebRTC technology with ~0.5 seconds latency. Ant Media Server is auto-scalable and …
Sample project on how to implement JWT security based using Spring boot 3 and Spring security 6
BSN is a social network platform to exchange books between the members.
Donation Platform for WooCommerce unleashes the power of WooCommerce for your online fundraising, crowdfunding & crowdsponsoring
A curated list of free courses with certifications. Also available at
Android in docker solution with noVNC supported and video recording
A Lightweight Face Recognition and Facial Attribute Analysis (Age, Gender, Emotion and Race) Library for Python
CLI and GUI for OSINT. Are you very exhibited on the Internet? Check it! Twitter, Tinder, Facebook, Google, Yandex, BOE. It uses facial recognition to provide more accurate results.
Building a face recognition system. If face is unknown, system will take pictures and videos this unknown face.
Identify unknown persons that are not registered and stores their images with current date and time.
KNN based Face Detection and Face Recognition application where new users have to register their image using Data_Collection module and then the model saves their image as a numpy file. Once user g…
This will automatically detect the face and save all the unique faces in to a new directory
Desktop app that keeps track of people it knows through facial recognition. Could be thought of as a security camera with no real purpose but learning.
Machine learning face recognition combined with a drone and osint tools
Stalk your Friends. Find their Instagram, FB and Twitter Profiles using Image Recognition and Reverse Image Search.
🦄 A curated list of privacy & security-focused software and services
🤖 A curated list of in-browser bookmarklets, tools, and resources for modern full-stack software engineers.
A collection of developer utilities in a single desktop application