- Identify people from a point cloud.
- Team the players, including referees.
- Output position of players in each team.
Any dependencie older than below is not tested.
wget -O opencv.zip https://github.com/opencv/opencv/archive/master.zip
unzip opencv.zip
cd opencv-master && mkdir -p build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j6
sudo make -j6 install
sudo apt-get install libxt-dev libgl1-mesa-dev
wget https://www.vtk.org/files/release/8.2/VTK-8.2.0.tar.gz
tar xvzf VTK-8.2.0.tar.gz
cd VTK-8.2.0 && mkdir build && cd build
ccmake ..
press c change CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to Release press c press g
make -j6
sudo make -j6 install
sudo apt install libboost-all-dev libeigen3-dev libflann-dev libpcl-dev
cd SecondSpectrum
mkdir build && cp ./point_cloud_data.txt ./build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j6
Store point cloud information in "point_cloud_data.txt". Each line of the input file has 6 columns (X, Y, Z, R, G, B) X, Y, Z: the xyz position of the 3d point R, G, B: the rgb component of the colour of the 3d point For example: 21.3, 1.1, -3.4, 25, 14, 10 -1.3 2.7 14.4 255 11 5 The above file has 2 3d points:
Position: (21.3, 1.1, -3.4), Colour: (25, 14, 10) Position: (-1.3, 2.7, 14.4), Colour: (255, 11, 5)
Windows 10: Put the point_cloud_data.txt in Release folder and run the SecondSpectrum.exe.
- int
noiseMeanK = 50
: Number of adjacent points considered while finding outliers. See https://pcl.readthedocs.io/projects/tutorials/en/latest/statistical_outlier.html. - float
noisestdDevMulThresh = 0.5
: Distance larger than (noiseStdDevMulThresh
* standard deviation) of the mean distance to the query point will be marked as outliers and removed.
- float
minObjectDistance = 0.8
: Minimum distance between clusters. - int
minClusterSize = 750
: Minimum points per cluster. - int
maxClusterSize = 5000
: Maximum points per cluster.
- int
dominantCount = 3
: Number of the most dominant colors extracted from a player. - int
dominantClusterCount = 3
: Number of the clusters that each player's colors are clustered to.
Function LoadCloud
loads points from txt to a pcl XYZRGB point and push it to a pcl point cloud.
Function FilterNoise
uses pcl built-in function StatisticalOutlierRemoval
to filter outliers(noises) from the point cloud.
Reference:: https://pcl.readthedocs.io/projects/tutorials/en/latest/statistical_outlier.html.
Function ClusterObjects
uses pcl built-in function EuclideanClusterExtraction
to cluster the point cloud to players.
This function excludes clusters with points fewer than minClusterSize
Reference: https://pcl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/cluster_extraction.html
Color each player with a random color:
Class Player
's constructor takes a clustered point cloud as input.
Function Player::FindCenter
loops through the input point cloud and finds the average coordination to be the player center.
Function Player::Kmeans
clusters colors of points in the input point cloud into dominantClusterCount
of clusters using kmeans
function from Opencv.
Reference: https://docs.opencv.org/4.5.1/d5/d38/group__core__cluster.html
Extract the centers of the color clusters that have the most points to be each player's feature.
Function Player::SortColor
sorts the extracted dominant colors by the length of the RGB vector.
Demostrating the top two dominant colors for each player: The color at upper body is the first dominant color, and the color at lower body is the second dominant color.
Function ClusterTeams
clusters the players by players' dominant colors.
- Horizontally concatenate dominant colors of each player to a 1 x (
x 3) feature. For example: [b1, g1, r1, b2, g2, r2, b3, g3, r3] for a player with 3 dominant colors - Utilize opencv kmeans function to cluster players into 3 teams.
Function OutputPosition
extracts players' team labels, sets the team with the fewest player to be the referees, and output the X-Z coordinate of each player's center in each team.
Overall, the pipeline successfully outputs positions for all the layers belonging to all the classes.
The pipeline achieves 97% of accuracy in making team predictions to the sample input. This result is based on running the pipeline 10,000 times.
Due to the randomness and uncertainty of k-means clustering, there is no guarantee that the output results are identical even with the same input and hyperparameters.
On the other hand, the robustness of the pipeline and this set of hyperparameters still need to be examined by more data.
Testing environment: OS: Windows 10, CPU: AMD 5600X
The pipeline takes about 396ms (~2.5 fps) from loading the txt file to output the result. It is still far from being real-time. The bottleneck is the point cloud clustering stage.
- Robustness - Obtain more data with team labels -> Train multi-class SVM or other classification models.
- Efficiency
- Downsample the point cloud points to voxels before clustering.
- Obtain more data with team labels -> Train a 3d point cloud segmentation model, e.g., PointCNN, and find the center of points within the segments. This method does not need the time-consuming point cloud clustering step.
This pipeline has difficulty in following situations:
- Clustering crowded players: Using 3D point cloud segmentation models could be a solution.
- Team A and B's jerseys have similar colors: Need to use CNN models to extract point cloud features or label the point cloud in advance using object detection and classification models based on 2D images.