Copyright (c) 2007 - Jesse Lovelace [email protected] All rights reserved.
FamilyBot is a natural language system that interprets English speech in the "genealogy" domain. The base knowledge base for testing was Old-Testament genealogies from Adam to Jacob (see the fixtures in dman/fixtures/initial_data.xml)
The project is split into three sections: the NLU (language understanding), the dialog manager, and the NLG (language generation).
Uses Julius to understand the (trained) voice. Note: Old-Testament names are really hard to train and understand. :)
Next Phoenix uses the grammar (nlu/lib/Phoenix/Relations.gra) to build frames.
I added a python module for Phoenix here: lib/Phoenix/ParseLib/py_parse.c and a as well. You can then import Phoenix via "import phoenix".
Checks context and content from NLU and builds genealogy from DB. Also outputs in graphical form using dot. Uses python for all this and acts like a web service.
Uses Django templates to create the spoken output of the system (nominally using OSX's say command).
The project uses these packages:
- Julius - for CSR (
- Phoenix - for parsing (
- Django - for the creating a Python web service.
{ 'actions': [ { 'type':'output', 'action':'children', 'subject': {'id':1234, 'title':'mike'}, 'result': [ {'id':333, 'title':'ann', 'gender':'F'}, {'id':334, 'title':'jimmy', 'gender':'M'} ] }, { 'type':'output', 'action':'parents', 'subject': {'id':1234, 'title':'anne'}, 'result': [ {'id':333, 'title':'mike', 'gender':'M'}, {'id':334, 'title':'susan', 'gender':'F'} ] }, { 'type':'output', 'action':'father', 'subject': {'id':1234, 'title':'mike'}, 'result': [ {'id':334, 'title':'jimmy', 'gender':'M'} ] }, { 'type':'output', 'action':'mother', 'subject': {'id':1234, 'title':'mike'}, 'result': [ {'id':334, 'title':'ann', 'gender':'F'} ] }, { 'type':'output', 'action':'father', 'subject': {'id':1234, 'title':'mike'}, 'result': [ {'id':334, 'title':'jimmy', 'gender':'M'} ] }, { 'type':'context', 'action':'children', 'subject': {'id':1234, 'title':'mike'}, 'result':[ {'id':333, 'title':'ann', 'parent':1234, 'spouse':[33], 'gender':'F'}, {'id':334, 'title':'jimmy','parent':1234, 'spouse':[34,45], 'gender':'M'} ] } ] }