R Shiny app for visualizing animal activity, distribution, and occupancy from the "Snapshot Serengeti" camera trap data set.
To run the app locally, place the 'server.R', 'ui.R', and 'serengeti_shiny.R' in the same folder with your data files and run.
This app uses as input data dumps from the Zooniverse that have been pre-processed using the 'prepping_data_shiny.R' code. It also takes shapefiles of the Serengeti camera trap grid site (available upon request).
App is a work in progress! For comments, suggestions, or those wishing to explore these data further, please contact me at [email protected].
Based on code originally provided by Dr. Kaitlyn Gaynor (note: the original code used input that was generated by camtrapR; to convert Zooniverse data dumps into a camtrapR record table for using earlier versions of this app, use the 'camera_operation_matrix.R' code).