This repository contains the base code for the Yearn V3 tokenized strategy implementation. The V3 strategy implementation utilizes an immutable proxy pattern to allow anyome to easily create their own single strategy vaults that will all use the same logic held within the TokenizedStrategy
for their redundant and high risk code. The implementation holds all ERC-20, ERC-4626, profit locking and reporting functionility to make any strategy that uses it a fully permisionless vault without holding any of this logic itself.
NOTE: The implementation address that calls are delegated to is pre-set to a constant and can never be changed post deployment. The implementation contract itself is ownerless and can never be updated in any way.
A Strategy
contract can become a fully ERC-4626 compliant vault by inheriting the BaseTokenizedStrategy
contract that uses the fallback function to delegateCall a previously deployed version of TokenizedStrategy
. A strategist then only needs to override three simple functions in their specific strategy.
TokenizedStrategy - The implementation contract that holds all logic for every strategy.
BaseTokenizedStrategy - Abstract contract to inherit that communicates with the TokenizedStrategy
Full tech spech can be found here
First you will need to install Foundry. NOTE: If you are on a windows machine it is recommended to use WSL
Fork this repository (easier) or create a new repository using it as template. Create from template
Clone your newly created repository recursively to include modules.
git clone --recursive
cd tokenized-strategy
NOTE: if you create from template you may need to run the following command to fetch the git submodules (.gitmodules for exact releases) git submodule init && git submodule update
- Build the project.
make build
To print the size of each contract
make size
- Run tests
make test
Run all tests run on a local chain
make test
Run all tests with traces (very useful)
make trace
Run all tests with gas outputs
make gas
Run specific test contract with traces (e.g. test/StrategyOperation.t.sol
make trace-contract contract=StrategyOperationsTest
Run specific test with traces (e.g. test/StrategyOperation.t.sol::testStrategy
make trace-test test=testStrategy
See here for some tips on testing Testing Tips
To print out the storage layout of any contract (e.g 'test/MockStrategy.sol')
make inspect contract=MockStrategy